Some moments I can almost forget I have cancer. The last chemo gave me plenty of those since it wasn't really hard on me. I am starting to feel the effects of what I guess is the cancr without chemo, and I am not real fond of the way it is making me feel. I continue to have problems eating, going to the bathroom, feeling nautius, feeling tired and I can feel bumps and lumps under my skin which I am sure are tumors.Oddly enough my hair is coming out in handfuls now, my stomach is rock hard most of the time, even water turns my stomach. I have to find a way to eat without pain and without bloating up like a elephant. I look like one of those malnourished childen you see on tv, a whopping 114 pounds with a massively swollen stomach. Before I rarely slept, now that's all I want to do is sleep. I imagine this too is a result of the cancer taking over in my body. I pray the new chemo will put me back to feeling ok again, ok enough to eat, and digest in a normal way. I fear how much longer I can keep this up, I fear what is yet to come, and am scared. What is it going to feel like to die? Will I be by myself, will it just happen or will we know when it is coming. I have to talk with God about more of this because honestly I am more depressed than I ever have been in my life, but who wouldn't be?
The highlight of my day was when Sarah and Sherri came over for a visit with DeAnn and baby RJ. This is what life is all about. I so look forward to the weekend so I can hang out with Norm. I miss time away from everyone, yet dont really feel well enough to be with anyone, does that even make sense?
I have decided that if my hair keeps coming out in handfuls, this sunday will be the day I shave my head. I dug out my F&*K cancer knit cap and will be wearing that unless the babies are around. Why am I losing my hair when I am not even on chemo now anyways?
Most people don't get the time I have had to do the important stuff, to hug those kids and babies a little tighter, to love like I never have before or to even find friends I never knew I had. I am grateful for all of the time I have had, but I know still at the end of this, I die, plain and simple, yesterdays news, done. I also know that at some point my pain and misery will end. I have thought to myself if I could choose a fast quick death or a slow cancer filled journey, which would I choose, and as I feel myself coming to the end of the slow cancer filled journey, I am not sure, ya I have had extra time with the ones I love, but aren't we gonna have the same result just in slow motion? This cancer stuff is brutal to the body and to the mind, and to the minds of the ones you love. Have I chosen the wrong path going thru all of this chemo only to have them walk thru misery with me, or have I given them precious extra time with me? I always said that one dayI wanted to go to New york, but I know that day isn't gonna come, I did all this work to make myself feel better to be able to be me again, not even realizing that I would never be me again. Perhaps the few who have said they wouldn't do chemo are the smart ones, death is inevitable, I guess it all comes down to how bad do you want life, what are you willing to go thru and will it change the ending. There I said it, the ending, I never realized until tuesday that I couldn't change the ending. death still calls my name, even after 19 rounds of chemo, 1 long surgery, recovery...did it matter? Was I oh so strong or oh so stupid, dragging my loved ones thru more mud that I could have spared them, just for a chance to feel their love one more time.
Bck 14 months ago, I could have did the trips I wanted to do, told my loved ones how much I loved them and then just died, again I am questioning my choices, hopefully like the saying the grass is greener on the other side, hopefully those around me aren't coming to the same conclusion I am today.... I am gonna die anyways, so why did I fight so hard to die anyway
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
I just found your blog a few weeks ago. I appreciate your honesty and raw truth in all your posts. Although I'm sure it's little to no comfort...your words have inspired me. You have made me realize what in life is important. You have touched more people than you'll ever know!
Tami it's been worth it. You've given your family memories they will treasure forever. My mother only had 3 1/2 months but my sister and I both agree it was some of the most precious time we had with her. We got a lot of loving done in that short time and said things that needed saying. We laughed and cried and I thank the Lord for giving us that time. Had I lost her without that time, I don't think I could have beared it. It was a gift. I worried about the very things you mention with her passing but it was so soft and peaceful.
Having said that, I still have hope that the new chemo will help you and I think the chemo you've had was the right thing. Sleep is healing and your body needs it so indulge yourself.
I appreciate your posts so much and am glad to hear from you....Brenda
You ask why you fight?...
To be honest, I just think that is the way God made you Tami. A fighter. Some call it stubborn, some call it hard-headed, but after seeing your research and resolve at Dr. B's the other day, it is my official conclusion that it's simply that God made you a fighter!
Yeah, maybe the last 14 months have been some rough ones, but I can't tell you how much you have had to teach me over that time. Stuff you meant to, and stuff you didn't...
We think you are pretty incredible, and are sending hugs your way! Now, no excuses for tomorrow, girl, because we want to deliver those hugs in person!
Love ya!
Think of all the wonderful times you had during your fight -- I know your daughter's wedding was a highlight, but there must be so many others, too small blog, the times you spent with friends and family. And remember how much joy they too experienced at those times. Do you still need to ask if it was worth it?
When you are depressed, you tend to focus on the negatives. Keep remembering the good times.
Jennie is right -- your words and thoughts and journey are inspiring. You keep giving even when you don't think you are, and it is appreciated. Thank you.
Hoping you feel better,
-- the lounge queen
Even if you chose not to fight you would of had the same questions. It's natural to wonder 'what if'.
One step at a time
Hi Tam, you won't be hearing from me for a few days because we are on our way to Florida again - one of these days. Am just not ready, having a tuff time closing the cabin and packing. Stress is my enemy, Gheesh!!
You are my inspiration and am using you for my strength too. Don't give up the ship - don't give in, don't wonder about other paths. My old saying - worrying today takes the strength out of tomorrow. I believe that with my whole heart and want you to take it to heart too. Please keep writing/blogging and I'll pray the next 1500 miles,,,starting tomorrow or maybe Sunday. from Rosemary
Tami, The last 14 months you have made wonderful memory's for your family,You are the fighter I hope to be if I was told I had cancer. God has a place for you in his kingdom of it be now or next year.Not to sound uncareing there is one thing I have learned .When Bill was in Hospice House. and that is you will be fine, You have God in your heart,and when the time comes your childern and family will love and miss you and God will see them through, just like he has all along.
Love Ya Deb
Amen to Deb's words. Have peace in your heart, beautiful lady.
Love ya
Tami: I am at a loss for words. I can't even imagine how ruff this fight for you and your family has been. but as always you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Jackie and I went through this with our beloved sister Julie and yes it is very very hard, but as I always believe God is here with you at every moment. let him be number one in your life.....Barb
Hey Girl,
You have done an incrediable job being strong for you and your family. You are an ispiration to many peope. I look at you and think of you as a awesome lady. You are the Grubbyland lady! You made that dream come true. You are a fighter and so determined to do thing. One of my prayers is yes go to New York as this new chemo gets going. If not then it wasn't meant to be. Norm is a Godsend as you and your kids are his Godsend. I look forward to seeng you on tuesday. We will laugh cause I have funny stories to tell and we will cry as we we reflect on alot of crap weve been through. But we will be together and that will be great. I'll call ya monday to see if I can breing anything. Maybe a chocolate shake or a hamburgar . Love ya tons girl
Love Lizzy
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