I believe in the power of prayer. I have met many people on my journey with cancer. Shawndra is one of them. I hope they don't mind, but I am going to post a link to her blog. Can you all please put Shawndra in your prayers? Shawndra and her family really need them right now. She has shown me strength since my journey began and she could really use your prayers.
My friend for over 20 years snapped me out of my funk today. I don't think she even knows it but she did it with a few select words, she told me in a email that I needed to stop worrying about the what if's, that they weren't doing me any good and were only making me upset. Debbie, thank you for bringing me out of my funk with your email. Your words have made me grab ahold of the rope and pull upwards again.
Barb and Jackie you made me smile so big today with your kind gift of flowers! I don't know what I did to deserve friends like you, but I am so glad to have both of you in my lives. They couldn't have arrived at a better time.
I just had a pain episode, this is the first one in 10 days and if nothing else I think we figured them out finally, hopefully. Here goes the poop talk, Friday I ended up in the emergency room with diarrea and numbness to the left side of my face. I can't seem to get a happy medium between being constipated and having constant diarrea. Finally after changing bowel relaxers, because of the crazy feeling they were giving me, being told to just stop taking them at all, they were causing constipation. Well for two days I had no poop, so this morning after talking to my nurse in chicago, she said it was safe to take miralax up to three times a day, so I took miralax this morning and then pooped, but as the day wore on I felt like I had a obstruction going on so I took miralax again this afternoon. Bad choice! By this evening I had major diarrea and then I had a pain episode. They feel like a air lock. My entire stomach into my chest just feels like one giant cramp that lasted for over 45 minutes tonite and immediately I am filled with air that feels like one giant air lock. I think we have finally figured out it is the miralax. I pray it isn't that I have strained my colon somehow and that they don't continue. BUT, I think we finally figured out this is what happens after too much miralax, which we had suspected, but were just glad for the relief. Tomorrow will tell, but I think we are finally figuring it out. It's time for the Dr's to put me on something else for my bowels to move, and definitely time for me to learn patience when it comes to pooping, even if the Dr thinks I need to go every day, some days it's just not going to happen. Sorry to be so frank about poop. It's just like talking about the weather around here these days, we even have our own poop names, pretty sad, but true...
It's definitely time to quit worrying about things I can't control, and hang on to the things that make me smile. Thank you all for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. I know that this is just the beginning, and know their is eternal life with Jesus Christ.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Tami it's so good to hear the fight back in you. Sometimes it's just trial and error on meds and it sounds like y'all are getting good at the detective work.
I've prayed for your friend Shawndra and thanks for giving us the opportunity.
Take care and as always, we appreciate the update girlie...Brenda
I am thrilled you found the source of your pain! Although I never tried it, someone I know kept track of everything they ate/did and how they felt while they were ill in a spreadsheet format, which allowed him to pinpoint reactions (especially delayed reactions). Something to consider.
Your friend's advice reminded me of this prayer:
“Lord, grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change,
he courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.” -- St. Francis
Keep poopin'! :)
-- the lounge queen
I am so glad I got you out of a funk. Amen to what the lounge Queen said.
love ya girl
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