I used to feel like I was a good writer, but lately I just can't think it thru. Does that even make sense? I was just watching Oprah recorded and a thought hit me, what if Oprah had cancer? Would cancer treatment change? Would a cure be found sooner? She would definitely have better access to the best care whereever that may be. Then I thought to myself, why didn't Oprah get cancer? She isn't married, has no kids, no grandkids, has accomplished so much in her life. Then it hit me, maybe it is because she has been a cause for change for so many people, maybe that's why she doesnt have cancer. Maybe I haven't made enough impact onto other peoples lives, maybe thats the reason I have cancer. I ask God all the time to show me the path he wants for me in life, I promise I will walk whatever path he lays in front of me, I plead and I beg with God to take this cancer away. I ask, why me? Sometimes this all seems so surreal, I can't even imagine it, yet I am living it. I read the weekly bulletins from church and cut out the special section in each one. I am told not to worry for God knows exactly what I need and will provide it for me. I have learned God will not give you more than you can handle, yet this seems so overwhelming, most days I don't feel like I can handle it. I continue to search for my path in life, and hope that I have changed enough lives, been friends enough, been a inspiration to someone, been a good enough wife, mother, and nana. I pray I am on the right path to heaven. I wonder what heaven will be like, I can't imagine I am told. But I can't imagine that I won't miss every one I know in this life. I can't even imagine.........
I am still feeling crappy. Nausea and shakiness all the time. The poop vibes worked, well a little too well, so I am hurting from that. I am still scared of having a pain episode, but starting to feel a little more confident. I still haven't added anything with sugar back into my diet. I wonder if what happened was a reaction to the ct dye. I realize these pain attacks started the day after I had my last ct scan, all I can do is weed through all of it one step at a time. I have learned to have so much patience. I think that is why I go thru crazy spells, it's the old Tami coming back that stresses about everything and has no patience what so ever. I have learned so much about life over the last 13 months, and yet I thought I knew it all before. Onward I go, one breath at a time, one day at a time, trying to live in the now, not in the past, nor the future, just in the now.
Above is a picture of me and Norm at Sarah's wedding. l LOVE this picture. I am glad we have this picture to cherish. I have always been a "don't take my picture' kinda person, so in the last 13 months, I have turned into a take my picture... reminds me of the old kid smart alec saying "take a picture it lasts longer"
Next week is mine and Norm's 13th Wedding Anniversary! I can't imagine who I was, or how I made it in life before Norm. He is yet another of my angel on earth team members. I am finding I have a lot of people in my angel on earth team. Thank you all for being in my club. I am fortunate.
Plans are under way for a benefit for me for the saturday after thanksgiving. A team of angels are putting it all together. more info to follow, if you are interested in helping with the benefit, donating, attending or whatever, please email me. This is a tough thing for me, admitting we need the benefit. It feels weird, yet I know it is needed and could be my only hope to going abroad for treatment. We have also decided that the profits from Tami's cancer kickin candle will go towards the benefit. This was not a easy decision but after I talked with a few customers and they said they assumed that was where it was going, I thought about it and agreed. It stinks to be down and out, but sometimes that's just the way it is..... as I say way too often these days, It is what it is.
Tami I promise the cancer didn't come along because you failed to do something. You are a good person and if the measure of good we do kept us well, you would never get sick...hope that made sense ;). If it's any consolation, I also plead for God to take your cancer away.
I've heard that cancer feeds off of sugar...not sure that is true. I've noticed lately that sugar makes me feel really bad. Maybe it's an age thing since I've alwasy been a little sensitive to it. You would know that somethig that good couldn't be good for you LOL.
The picture of you and Norm is absolutely beautiful. You both cleaned up real good as we say here in the south.
About the writing...the chemo may be causing a little of it but it's happening to me a lot lately so once agion, I'm blaming age. I have to say though that you always express yourself wonderfully.
Tami thanks for sharing with us. We could all learn a lesson from you on that enjoying the good in each day and not taking it for granted.
The benefit sounds great!
Take care and update us when you can...Brenda
Tami, I just wanted to thank you for allowing me a glimpse into your life and thoughts. Your family is so beautiful, and I love all of your photos and thoughts.
Blessings, Bonnie
Tami, don't ever doubt the impact you have had on lives. When I read that I was glancing to the right and saw the pictures of the beautiful smiling faces - they smile because of you. You taught them, you showed them all how wonderful life is and can be. I know you treasure each and every moment with each of them and know they treasure each moment with you.
You not only have made a difference in each of your children's and grandchildren's lives, but look at Norm and how he treasures you. What would his life have been like without your love in it?
I know you have touched my life in a beautiful way. Your strength now and before you got sick have taught me what strength really is. Thank you for being here and for touching MY life.
Tami; I love reading your blog and keeping up with your daily life. some days you make me cry and others I smile at what your write. I have always admired the way you write. you missed your calling. you should have been an author. as far as knowing why the Lord led you down this path, we really none of us understand. we just hope and pray for no pain and misery for you. you have always been a good friend of mine and always will be. I really do admire you for all of your courage and how you handle everything. as Jackie says "make it a good day." Barb
Sounds like you might benefit from having a one-on-one with your religious leader -- hopefully he can contribute to reaffirming your faith.
Your photo is wonderful, thanks for sharing it. I am also of the "don't take my picture" persuasions, but your words and experience changed my mind -- I think I will be more "allowing" from now on. See how your words do change the world one little bit at a time?
I hope you will be able to enjoy food again real soon. Looking forward to more details on the benefit and wishing you the best, as always.
- the lounge queen
Hey Girl!
Missed you tonight, wish I could have been there w/ the fam, but I think it was good to give the kids and KJ time alone with you, too. After all, I can't take ALL of the one-on-one time with you...people will start to think I'm selfish! ;)
Anyway, hope it was a good evening, and hope you are feeling better...
Call me in the morning,
Hey Tami,
I don't have your address could you send it to me in a e-mail.
Any woman that can lure a man away from Beautiful British Columbia has to have something going for her! :) You are a pretty neat gal and I am glad to know you .... life is not fair, but we have to make what we can out of it .... you do a good job of making it all come together whether you know it or not. I think we can all take lessons from your wisdom and bravery. Hang in there - we have a benefit to plan that will not only raise money but be a celebration of you!
Tami - sending this message from Needles, CA. Just had to log on to see how you were doing. Steve and I are celebrating our 25 wedding annverisary on the 15th. We left on the 4th on Route 66 and pulled in to Needles last night. What an amazing country we have so great.
I have learned so much over the past week. You know 5 years ago I would of told you that I wouldn't he here today. But I am and will enjoy it day by day. Stay positive girl!
Your turn to see the country will be here before you know it:)
forgot to sign my name! Kathy Cravens via Needles, CA
I came over from Shawndra's blog. I have read a little of your struggles. I just wanted to comment on the pain you are having after you eat. I had that very same pain for 20 years. The first time I was pregnant with my second child. No one ever figured it out, but treated me for ulcers. Turns out it was my gallbladder. Gallbladder attacks mimic a heart attack. Chest pains, weakness in your arms and a stomach pain that won't go away till it's ready to. After 20 years, someone finally figured it out because I needed other surgery for a large tumor. The gallbladder by that time was rotten. Oh my the relief after it was out was immediate and permanent. My pain was at night. Right after I ate and sometimes would last 3-8 hours. You might mention your gallbladder when you go in.
Good luck in all your treatments. I have added you to my prayer list.
And congratulations on the new member in your family - your son-in-law. What beautiful pictures!
Marie in Minnesota
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