Well, Dr Benson wants to see us in chicago tomorrow to go over what he is seeing in the new ct scan. This can't be good news, when Norm asked if I might get my treatment tomorrow, he was told no, they have to precertify for insurance. I am afraid we are going to a place we dont want to be tomorrow. If you believe in the power of prayer, please pray for me. I hope there is another treatment waiting for me, but fear there isn't since we have been told before there isn't much more we can do here in the U.S.
God Help Us!
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
My prayers and love are with you and Norm tomorrow.
My prayers are with you - I will be praying for a miracle.
Tami I'm praying for you and will be thinking about you and Norm...Brenda
can't stop thinking of you - my prayers and hope will go with you to Chicago. Love you....
Wishing you all the best. Let us know.
-- the lounge queen
Prayin' like crazy!!!
Kj, Kristi, and kids.
Thinking and praying for you today.
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