Monday, October 27, 2008

I prayed three times today

These are the words my grandson, Skylar said to me. I rarely check my voicemails and when I did,I found a message from Skylar, crying, telling me he loved me, missed me and needed to talk to me... my heart sunk. Skylar is just 9 years old, his other grandma had breast cancer and he got to watch her brave her way back to good health, Skylar knew I have cancer too. I realize now he made that call after he was told I was in the hospital and not doing well. I called skylar immediately and he cried to me on the phone telling me how much he loves me and misses me and needs to see me, we set up for him to come over today to help carve a pumpkin an then he said i prayed 3 times today nana. I nearly couldn't keep it together. I told him to keep praying that God always listens tous when we pray. I realized then I had broken my grandsons heart. My precious 9 year old grandson was told the inevitable, that I was dying of my cancer. This breaks my heart. This precious child should NOT have to go thru this. he shouldn't have to hear this. I told his other grandma to make sure one day when things got bad to tell Skylar that her cancer wasnt like mine, as I dont want skylar to wonder if he will lose her too. I never thought I would have to face that day and I have. I have broken my tender hearted grandsons heart, I have stamped him with a stamp that will never disapear, I have now marked his life forever in a way I never ever wanted to impress on any child. This is the single hardest thing to have to do when it comes to cancer and dying, is to mark those sweet caring, impreshionable children. God, why do I have to do this to my babys? I don't understand anymore at all.
I am going to be carving a pumpkin with skylar this afternoon and i know it will be so different fromevery other year, for I have marked my grandson with a mark i never ever wanted to, the stamp of his Nana's cancer, the stamp that he knows now that Nana wont be like mamaw and spring back to life. This is the face of cancer I hate the worst, do anything you want to me, but not my babys, not my babys............I Love you Skylar more than life itself.


Anonymous said...

What Skylar will remember is a wonderful nana, one who took the time, inspite of pain and despair of cancer, to carve a pumpkin with him .... he will remember your love, not your cancer and will be a supporter of finding a cure ... I base all of this with my own experience. So Tami enjoy Skylar and that pumpkin and be sure to take a picture of it, I want to see that beautiful pumpkin with you and Skylar

Anonymous said...

Tami; I always knew you were strong, but this goes to show you how strong you are. I know that your grandchildren will always have good memories of you. and who knows some day we might all look back on these times, and remember what a strong surviver you are. we will fight this big C be strong and keep on praying. ...Barb

Anonymous said...

Tami, your grand childern are a part of you and they are stronger then you know.My grand childern have lost two of there grand fathers in the past eight years and they are fine.I know it hurts to have to tell a child you will no longer be with them on this earth but just remember you will always be in there hearts. I will be praying for you and that you have good news .
Love ya

Anonymous said...

How lucky you are to have a wonderful grandson like Skylar. Not only did you pass on your biological genes to him, but you also passed on part of yourself and your love. You can both cherish the times you spend together.
Enjoy the pumpkin making, hope to see some pics.
-- the lounge queen

Brandie said...

Hey Tami,

Although it is/was hard for you to let Skylar know what is really going on with his Nana...these pumpkin carving times and any time with you will be the times that he will remember forever!!! Hold the people you love close Tami...
I sure do miss seeing you....and think about you daily!!!!
P.S....just remember that NANA's are the matter what!!!!
much love...