Well the good news is I haven't had a pain episode since Friday afternoon. The bad news is I just don't feel good. I am sure it has something to do with these shots, but not sure if it is because I need more shots or less. The shots are normally given to carcinoid patients, which I am not, so I can't go by the usual symptoms that patients take the "rescue" shots as they call them. I feel like I could throw up, I have that hot feeling running from my liver area into my right arm and feel feverish. I pray the cancer is not growing. I pray it is just from the shots, or not enough shots or whatever else, maybe just from chemo. Thanks for the comments and prayers, they really are helping me. Thanks for burning your cancer kickin candles. Maybe that's what it is, the cancer going away leaving my body. The truth is I am terrified that I am getting close to the end. I don't even want to waste time doing mundane stuff, it's as if every second counts, literally.
I am also really depressed again, I should be happy I have life, but I am at the "it's not fair" stage again, I am trying to figure out why me, and why my family. I hate that I am putting so many people through the sadness my diagnosis brings
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Tami; my dear I'm so sorry that you feel rotten right now, I wish there was something that I could do. I am sure that your family is a lot of support as always and would like to take this pain and worry away. please just zone in on fighting this and maybe do something just for yourself once in a while. we all love and care for you and want to see you feeling better physically and mentally. Barb
Tami - you would not be human not to feel the way you feel .... the not knowing can weigh heavy on one's heart and mind. I pray that the feeling you have is the medicine working. Cherish your moments - your family for I know they cherish you.
Blessings -
You do not need to worry about others being sad because of you -- everyone needs to be sad sometimes in order to appreciate being happy. Just worry about yourself and getting out of your depression.
Wishing you peace and happiness,
the lounge queen
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