I thought this could be a fun weekend contest for everyone, I am all about fun, so please post your worst of the worst gift you have ever been given.
Names withheld although guesss will be accepted:)
I swear I am doing this as something fun, not mean or deceitful!
So I will go first, oh way too many years ago, I was a manager at a trvel center. I was probably not alwys the nicest manager, but most time I just couldn't be, it was like kids, you give them a inch they go for the mile. The day before Christmas one of the older gals gave me a gift card in a gorgous box, you know the giftcards yuo get whn you spend say $50 and you get a $10 dollar cert to be used the following week? Well the week the card was good for was long past. I suppose it was her way of telling me I wasn't so nice all the time, but I have to tell you, I actually got the biggest kick out of it because I knew she was getting a kick out of it. Anyways sometimes its nice to remember even those who werent your best friend, remember one day It will give you a laugh as you look backwards on it!
Your turn, please share yours!
My goodnews for today is the Dr gave me sleeping pills and I actually fill it kickin in, so I am hopefully off for about 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep,
Have a wonderful weekend Everyone! It s supposed to get really nasty on sunday and monday with a ice storm, which is fine with me, since I dont have to drive in it, but feel for all of you that do. In case you don't know, i don't do well drivin in winter or storm conditions, there is always a snicker or laugh at me anytime I have one of those stories to share,
Blessings to all, and to all a Good Night:)
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
I hope you are sleeping soundly as I write this. Don't have to think too hard about the "worst Christmas gift" but wondering if awful and odd Christmas...counts as well. 22 years ago on December 23rd....I married my DH (at our home) I was still trying to "BLEND" families...thinking that the modern nuclear family didn't have to blow up - but could be blended nicely. What was I thinking?????lol....so I had invited the DH's ex and new husband, his grown kids - and the little ring bearer...was the 4 year old grandson. 10 minutes before the "I do" the ring was misplaced and the cute little grandson went looking for it behind the tree and knocked it over along with 2 very large pointsetta plants. It was like cleaning up a muddy field....tried my hardest to get back into the mood....but it was just beyond me....and we never found the ring until 2 days later. It was stuck down in the sofa cushions. It's still a Christmas I'll never forget - but at least the marriage lasted, and I learned my lesson about blending the nuclear family.You wouldn't have believed the loud quarrel the MIL and ex wife had in another room just 10 minutes after the muddy messy ceremony. A
from Rosemary
I honestly cannot remember a bad Christmas or Christmas gift. Sorry. I wish I could give you some giggles. I am so very blessed and count those blessings every day. Those blessings come in the form of a wonderful family, mom, dad, sisters, children, grandchildren, aunts, uncles cousins, and of course, the most fantastic friends in the world. Thank you and Merry Christmas to all. Happy sleeps, Tami.
Larry and I leave in the midst of the omnimous ice storm at 6:00 a.m. Monday to see all our beautiful wonderous babies in CA.
Love and Joy to all.
Hey Tami, I know you have to remember this one,You lived across from me and I caught the live in at another woman's place just 2 day's befor christmas. I was so hurt but you know it's funny that he and I stayed close friends and keep in touch even after all this time If I need something he's there." we can forgive and live happy lives, but doesn't mean we forget."
well, my gift wasn't the worst gift I ever got. it was just very practical. we still laugh about it to this day. one year about seven years ago Dale got me a pair of coveralls. I didn't really show much exitement when I opened this gift. but let me tell you all out there in blog land these puppies were very warm to wear when I went out to do the chores. I still have them today. very heavy duty and practical. they sure did feel good this morning in the cold icy outdoors. ....Barb
well, my gift wasn't the worst gift I ever got. it was just very practical. we still laugh about it to this day. one year about seven years ago Dale got me a pair of coveralls. I didn't really show much exitement when I opened this gift. but let me tell you all out there in blog land these puppies were very warm to wear when I went out to do the chores. I still have them today. very heavy duty and practical. they sure did feel good this morning in the cold icy outdoors. ....Barb
Mine had to be a pair of pants from my folks that were women's instead of kids when I was young...we still laugh at the pictures, I look like one of those dieters on the Subway commercials holding them up!
My favorite bad gift story though, is about the Christmas before my folks were married...They got engaged in November and romantically decided not to have a tv for the first 6-12 months of their marriage. Welll, guess what Dad got mom that Christmas right before their wedding...
YOu guessed it, a tv! He was thrilled, she was bummed, but she tells the story and laughs now!
Love ya Tami!
whoops, sorry looks like I put my las blog on twice......Barb
Well, I can't remember getting any gift that was really bad, but I know someone who did. It was an office party with Secret Santa (you pick a name from a hat and get a gift for that person but don't put your name on it), and the person on the receiving end (let's call him J.) was a young, good looking but very ambitious guy, trying hard to be liked by everyone, but who did not hesitate stepping on anyone in his way -- in the nicest way possible.
At the office party, one by one everyone goes up, picks out the gift with their own name on it, and open it up for everyone to see and cheer. Gifts are the usual conservative ordinary stuff -- coffee mugs, business books, gift certificates, etc.
Then J. goes up, and gets a very unusually shaped package, very well wrapped. Opens it up trying to look professional and hide his obvious anticipation -- and out comes a bottle of beer, with a small-sized bright red knitted willie warmer stuck right on top of it!!! (If you're not sure what that is, just google images)
At first it didn't register, but the colleagues closest to him recognized it and started some heavy-duty laughing -- and then the penny dropped and J. turned beet red. And I mean a brighter shade of red than the willie warmer, which I thought would be impossible to achieve. By that time everyone is cracking up big time, and a couple of secretaries go up and read the attached large tag -- " Hope it's not too big for you! " -- which of course created a new wave of guffaws and new waves of J. blushing...
I have no doubt that J. would have killed the person who got the present for him, but of course he never found out who it was. And I know that for sure, because I knew for sure who gave it to him -- me.
Yup, you guessed it, he stepped on me on his way up, although very nicely with genuine concern to make sure I will still like him, but very firmly indeed. Sweet revenge! :)
Hope that made you laugh -- and hope that the sleeping pills will work for you.
-- the lounge queen
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