I don't even know what round this was, pretty bad huh? anyways i had chemo, just got home a bit ago, very long sitting in the chair getting chemo. Just feel yucky. started having what i call pop rocks under my skin, felt like nerve tingles or gas moving in a million places at once, have felt the chest do this before but this was weird, it was chest, stomach, hips, a million times in just a few minutes, still having it somewhat in my chest, dr came and checked me out, she was clueless never saw this before, gave me benedryl via iv, knocked me out pretty much for the rest of chemo, which was good since it was so long.
Dr finally listening about not being able to pee, now she wants me to cut off dilodid too, i dont think i can do that, but am trying. also now having sensation of needing to pee and poop but nothing there... anyways i have my purse again with 5fu chemo in it and will have it for next two days, i hope this weird feelings go away and this gotta go feeling goes away too, had that all night last night slept maybe 2 hours. Thanks for prayers everyone.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
I hope that squiggly feeling is something positive like the cancer getting kicked! Sending you lots of good vibes - peaceful so you can rest.
Hey Tami,
I was going tomcall you over the Holiday's but wasn't sure what you were doing, Hope this chemo works for you. hang in there.
Love ya girl
Sending hugs and prayers your way.
I hope this chemo will help... wishing you good sleep and all the best!
-- the lounge queen
Tami: sleep in heavenly peace just like baby Jesus.......Barb
Tami I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is the chemo for you and gets the job done. Hopefully those funny feeling will subside and you can get some relief.
I see a real need in the medical industry to have someone really manage pain. They can do it for hospice patients so it seems it would be practical to have that option for folks who aren't under the care of hospice. There is a fine art to it I'm sure but I've seen it in action with hospice so I know it can be done. In a perfect world, every critically ill patient should have a nurse/advocate to keep things balanced and deal with doctors.
Thanks for the update...love, Brenda
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