Hopefully tomorrow we will get to talk to the oncologist since it was his nurse practioner that we saw on friday. We continue to pray and ask for your prayers that the Oncologist will have a plan in place for me, no matter what it should be. I keep asking myself and Norm if it is time to stop treatment and I keep getting the same answers, maybe, maybe not. We are going to have to wait to see what is offered to us and then make a tough decision. I have read that clinical trials don't work 9 times out of 10 and the only ones I will qualify for are stage 1 trials where they are basically taking a idea and testing out the maximum dosage they can give before it kills you, so as I said this is going to be a difficult decision. My hope is that he has a plan using some of the chemos that I have heard about for my type of cancer. That wasn't really offered to us, but it is my hope and what I am praying for. In any case I have had over 15 months more time here on earth and for that I am thankful. I have had some success controlling my pain with the diladid pills, almost too much if that is possible. I know I can't take the max they said which is 2- 4mg tablets, I thought I was going to die when I took 1 and a half, way too strong, no pain, but couldn't speak right or breathe right either. Unfortunately, this new medicine has brought on worse constipation so having to deal with that also. Please keep us in your prayers, we hope to get with the Dr tomorrow. I don't wanna wait any longer than needed.
I want to talk about the benefit again also. I am still awestruck by the generosity of everyone that helped put it together, helped the night of the benefit, donated so so many items for auction, It was amazing to see people I hand't seen in a long time, and it was amazing to see strangers pulling money from their wallets for me. I am forever thankful, Bless each of you for all that you did, and Thank you for those of you that donated but couldn't be there, I really appreciate it. The money is going to good use as we enter these times we thought might be further down the road, but we are looking at them now. It just goes to show you never know on that road of life when there will be a turn, or even when it will end. Please enjoy every moment of your life and thank you all for your support. It means the world to me.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Oh, Tami, I am so sorry to hear about your problems. I know that with Norm you will make the right decisions.
Wishing you lots of poop and no pain, all at the same time,
the lounge queen
Hey Tami,
Thanks for letting us crash your home tonight! We love getting all of the Nana time you will give us!
Love ya!
Wishing you strength and I am still praying for that miracle! As for the benefit ... we have all benefitted having you in our lives .... it all evens out. It was so good to see you with a smile on your face, even though I knew you were in pain. For now, I wish you much poop action!
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