I am so grateful for the life I have lived. The last 15 months have been a huge roller coaster, but I have learned so much about life in these 15 months. I am a mother, a wife, a sister, a friend, a grandma, a daughter in law. I wouldn't trade this for anything. Everyone I have been with in the past 15 months have completed my life, made it whole. I am so lucky to have had these last 15 months to learn what I have, to have time with everyone and to love and be loved by so many. Each smile I have seen has been worth any pain I have been thru, each hug, each kiss, each word, and each whisper, each hand squeeze, can never be taken away! I am so thankful the Lord has given me this extra time to get to know him better and he has allowed me to be here today typing this, I am blessed. Thank you to each of you for being a part of my life. There have been many sad times, but the happy times far outweigh the sad. I will never see a cure for this disease but hopefully, all of you will. Hopefully, I have encouraged someone to get to a Dr and prevented them from being a me. I hope in some small way I have encouraged any or all of you to live life. Be kind to yourself, love with everything that you are, and find the Lord. I am so blessed in life.
I am so very blessed. always remember, you can't get back yesterday.
In Chicago today, we were told that there couldn't be a treatment plan until the pain is under control. Sir spheres are no longer a option as my tumors are growing in my pelvis as well as my liver. If the pain gets under control, I may be able to go for a clinical trial in Houston or New York. Life is so uncertain. They wanted to admit me to the pallative care unit in Chicago, I declined, they put me on oral diladid for pain. I wanted to come home, I don't know what the future holds or even how long or short it may be. I know the cancer is growing, I know it is aggresive and I know it won't take long to take over, perhaps it already has. This is the day I have dreaded, yet it is here and I still want to fight, I don't plan on ever giving up, I also realized again today that sometimes it is not my choice. This is much larger than I. I continue to fight and realize even more today than ever before that it is beyond my control. Thank you Norm for the care you have taken of me. I love you forever. Thank you for helping me to fight,
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Thank you, Tami, for sharing your beautiful, loving,caring thoughts with us who love you. My prayers continue for you and your family every day. I too cherish each touch, each hug,each smile with you and all I love. Thank you for reminders and inspiring words.
I love you.
your news just took my breath away, sort of feel like someone gave my heart a punch. Don't ever give up, I think your strength is anchored in being such a fighter. I want your pain and awful discomfort to be alleviated - so insist they help you get the pain under control.
love you - think of you so often
Tami I love you girlie and thank you so much for the wisdom and mostly the reminders to not take life for granted or my loved ones...I needed that tonight. None of us are promised tomorrow and I've always tried to live my life with no regrets but for a long time, I haven't been taking time to smell the roses or take care of myself. You've inspired me to try and do better.
Tami I'm still praying for you and hoping that the pain will subside and you will get relief and a chance for that clinical trial.
You are blessed to have such a wonderful family. Even though my family loves me, I would never have the support you've gotten. Those sisters are the absolute best and Norm too.
You will never know how grateful I am that you are sharing yourself with us as you go through this battle. Thank you so much...Brenda
Tami: Your news was devestating. I still pray for you every day. We must live our lives to the fullest as we never know what tomorrow will bring. I'm glad you're surrounded by family. I pray the pain can be controlled. Don't give up the ship! I know, easier said than done. I'm giving you a long distance hug from Arkansas.... Love you, Patti
hey you,
Our conversations have meant everything to me. Ou conversation friday night will stay with me forever. I am praying so hard that your pain gets less and less. and answers to pain control meds come quickly. Tami you are the strongest person ive evr met. Keep a smile on your face as much as possible. remember if you need to talk and it 2 a.m call me
Thanks for always thinking of others. God loves you as you well know. So do I
Love lizzy
Oh Tami - I agree with Rosemary - the news took my breath away ... you are an inspiration to all of us and I know I am glad our lives touched. I will continue to pray for you - I believe in miracles.
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