I have my pretests scheduled today. My wonderful sister Sherry is taking me down for them. Just like always, no questions asked, yep she would take me. She continues to do wonderful with my candle business. I am so proud of her. I don't know how I could have ever thought about selling it out to a stranger, well I know I couldn't have. I built the business up one candle at a time and she has done wonderful keeping up with it all. I know it was a great choice and it is also a great honor for her to take it on. It is so awesome to have a great family. I don't know how I could possibly do this without them.
They said I would need two pints of blood, my sister Debbie immediately signed up to give as did Norm. Amazingly they are both perfect matches for me. Norm got his blood drawn on Saturday, yesterday they called and said there was a leak in the bag so the whole pint is contaminated. Debbie went to give yesterday and her blood pressure was thru the roof, so no go. I know she was worried about calling me and telling me, but I can't tell you how awesome it is that they even tried. My nephew Ben who had never given blood before went in yesterday and donated blood for me. Sarah is going in today, she has never given blood before so Norm is going with her to hold her hand.
I can't express the words to describe how loved I feel by my family, never a hesitation.
I am getting anxious to get the surgery over with. I am still scared but becoming more determined that this is the right thing to do and praying and hoping for a chance at a cure.
My daughter Sherri doesn't realize it but she showed me alot about strength when she had little Russell, She was so determined, no whining, no crying, she just did it. My dad used to use three words alot, and I keep hearing them in my head, strength, determination and willpower.
Thank you all for your comments, I hold them close to my heart and they help me alot to continue to battle this beast. I am letting cancer know it's getting evicted next week. Actually a week from today, the eviction order is in for those little bastard cancer cells. Next week, they are gone!
Finally, I think Norm is going to blog for me while I am in the hospital next week. Thanks for the prayers, they have gotten me this far and although the storm is not over, I know it will calm in his time.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
good morning. surgery is getting so close. your family is so great to help you through this whole thing. if there is anything Dale and I can do through all of this please let us know. when is baby Russel coming home? I'm so glad that Norm is keeping your blog up during your hospital stay.
We are thinking of you while you undergo your pre-testing. And praying, of course! Let us know how it goes! Can't wait til you are back safe and sound tonight!
We love you, Kenny, Kristi, Gracie, and booga
Be sure to check your front door :)
What blood type do you need? I'm there if you need it!!!
Good luck with your surgery, you have sure been on my mind a lot latey and will continue to be!!! I know that you can do this...and I know that those nasty cancer cells are going to regret messin with you :)
Keep your chin up....you will get through this!!!
Luv ya girl...
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