Wow, I can hardly believe I am on this journey. It seems impossible that I have the chance for surgery and most days it just doesn't seem real that I have cancer. Damn I hate to even type the word. I pray that this surgery does a lot of good for me. I have been really depressed the last couple of days. I hate being the center of attention and guess what? Here I am. My kids will all be there with me except Sherri because I forbid her to even think about it after just having the baby. My sisters will be there and of coarse Norm will probably live in the hospital while I am there.
The details, we are all heading to St Louis on Monday for the fun bowel prep and then I am to be at Barnes hospital at 5:30 am on tuesday, Surgery is scheduled to start at 7:30 am. I ask for prayers for a safe and successful surgery. I am told I will be in the hospital for about a week. Norm will update the blog.
I am sure I will come out of this ok, and hope and pray that I will come out of it with no cancer left in my body. I am strong, and I can get thru this. My kids deserve a Mom, my husband deserves a wife, and my siblings deserve a sister. I am so glad I have my family, I am so sorry though to put them through this, nobody deserves to have to go thru this. I pray God is there with the surgical team guiding them during this surgery.
I am scared, I am really scared, but what else are my choices? There aren't any other choices, so forward I must go. I know no matter what I will be ok. I am worried for my family, I so hate putting them through this.. I just wish I could wake up and this could all be just a bad dream, a horrible dream. Perhaps after the surgery I can. I want to live again, really live, not having to worry about what I can and can't eat, not having to wonder about pain and bowel movements, not having to worry about chemo and surgery and these ugly cells in my body called cancer, I pray for the chance to live again. Forward I go..Thank you family for being here with me, as much as I hate it, I am so glad I have all of you to hug and to love. We all will come out of this ok, I promise!
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
I think "Live Strong" says it all.
My prayers are with you, Norm, your babies, grandbabies, and all who know and love you. God's hands will guide the skill of the surgeons' hands. We will all be waiting for Norm's good news on Tuesday.
Love ya, lots.
First of all Happy Easter to you and all of your family. this is such an awsome season. just think of what Jesus gave up for us. all of our prayers and thoughts are with you. Love Barb and Dale
Like always, you are in my thoughts and prayers...I know that you will kick deserve it. Be strong, you can do this.
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