I am feeling more and more positive that this surgery is going to help me. I was thinking last night after I had another breakdown what I would do if I suddenly didn't have cancer. It's like a whole new world would open up for me. The nurse and nurse practitioner both said how wonderful my surgical team is yesterday. Maybe they say that to everyone, but it sure made me feel good. I can't wait to get this surgery over. I pray they find less cancer than they expect to find and can cut it all out. That would be my perfect dream. Just perfect
I got home last night and there was a note on here from my buddy Jackie about checking my front door. She had came and left me a bunch of daffodils, a darling bear and a note pad. Yesterday was american cancer society daffodil day. Daffodils are my favorite flower in the world and Jackie, thank you so very much, it sure made my day and it came right after I had my mental meltdown. I got up this morning and have been watching these flowers pop open one by one. Thank you so very much.
I am still scared but am feeling stronger and stronger. I can't wait to get this surgery over. My nephew Ben that donated blood for me found out today it is a perfect match! This was so awesome of him to give his Auntie a pint of his blood. Thanks for the offers to donate blood, They won't accept anymore donations now as they have to get them to St louis in time for the surgery, but thank you for the offers.
Baby Russell came home on Monday. He is doing awesome and so is Sherry. I am going to get to rock him tomorrow when I get to see him. I have rocked each of my grandchildren and sang twinkle twinkle little star to them and no doubt I will be singing to him tomorrow. My little grandson booga was over on sunday and amazingly he can sing twinkle twinkle. I wasn't feeling well and was laying on the couch, I asked him if he wanted Nana to rock him and he said yes anc climbed under the covers with me, I rocked him gently and he said sing twinkle twinkle to me Nana... it's amazing precious moments like that, that keep me strong and help me to battle this bastard beast cancer.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Tami; I haven't had the pleasure of grandchildren yet, but they sure do sound great. enjoy those little guys. I had a relative tell me one time rock them while they are little and spoil them rotten, they grow way too fast.
I've been reading this blog. I know Tami from a forum where we are both members. Tell her HB is laughing herself silly over her craving a smoke and needing a fart.
Also, tell her we miss her on our forum and are all still praying for her.
Hope to see ya soon, Tami!
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