Just a small addition about yesterday, she got a blood transfusion as well, the resident thought that her levels were too low and that the transfusion would be a good idea, as well as the stomach tube.
Later that night her surgeon did her rounds and was a little disappointed about the days events, that her levels should be low and she should have pain, after all, she just had surgery. I like the surgeon that did her colon, she is very straightforward and confident.
Today was a little better on the medical side, although Tami remembered that she is a smoker, and she hadn't smoked in 5 days. Now the fun begins, I was asked to leave the room and go home a couple times because I refused to roll her down to have a smoke, what a jerk I am :)
Oh well, the joys of life in the hospital, I am the only one left down here to take the frustration she is feeling, but thats my job right?
Tami appreciates the thoughts and prayers, she would really like you to focus on prayers for her to pass some of this gas, yes, thats right, I just asked you to pray for a fart. Remember, by request of Tami. Sooner she can do that, the sooner she can go home.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Tami and Norm,
This is a first, but for you, I will pray for farts for Tami. Hope today is a better day for you both.
well that is a funny thing to pray for, but I hope that Tami can pass gas soon. I'm sure that she is anxious to get home. hang in there Norm, I know how taxing hospital life can be. our daughter has had several surgeries. prayers and thoughts for the both of you. Barb and Dale
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