Wow! It seems that I have quite a few followers on my blog. Thank you all so very much. I hope each of you will take my experience and use it in your own life to live life to it's fullest. This is the busy time of year, but please don't forget to celebrate the real reason for the season.
I keep hearing this jingle on the tv, it is a commercial of some kind, but I pick up two words from it, ordinary miracle.... As I look backwards, I have had so many ordinary miracles in my life, and even in the last several months. This is what keeps me believing that a miracle can happen at any moment, and it is what keeps my hope up. I am so thankful for my family and friends. I never stopped to realize how lucky I have them in my life. If it were not for cancer slowing me down, I would have never realized the "ordinary" miracles happening in my life.
I am terrified but yet, nervously excited about going to Chicago next month for another opinion from a surgeon. They could open alot of doors for me, or they could slam them all shut. I suppose it is what it is, but there is still room to hope for them opening many doors for me.
I know if they cured me, I would always be thankful for the "ordinary miracles" in my life. Humans are amazing, it is unfortunate that it takes a life changing event before I even realized just how much I have to be thankful for, please don't let it take a life changing event before you stop to realize how many "ordinary" miracles you have.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
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