Well I had my 7th round of chemo yesterday. I also got the results of my ct scan. Slight shrinkage of the colon mass, no shrinkage in the liver, they made comment of a couple of things, possible blood clot or empty sac in my omentum, and a thickening in my colon wall near the tumor. Thickening could be diverticulitis, could be infection, could be from all the upset stomach I have had lately, could be who knows. hoping its not infection. Oh and they do believe there is only 1 tumor on my liver, way different than what Mayo says.
More importantly, my local Dr feels we are reaching the window of opportunity since the liver tumor is not shrinking anymore. He wants me to see a surgeon in January to see if 1- I am a candidate for resection of my liver, 2- may ever be a candidate for surgery 3- will never be a candidate for resection. This could be great news, it could be horrible news. But I said I would like options, and it looks like he has the same need to see if I have options. Obviously Mayo is seeing my CT scans different and I am not sure why or what to do, but we are going to call Mayo and send up my latest scan and ask it be reviewed by the surgeon at Mayo. besides the Oncologist up there I have been working with. My local Dr also works with a liver surgeon at Barnes in St. Louis so he is going to talk to him and we are also making a appt to go tothe university of chicago. I have been researching Univ. of Chicago and I am impressed with their credentials, I keep getting drawn to them so I am going to see what they have to say. At least we will have 3 different opinions. At the very least I have read about many procedures to get a unrestable liver to having a better chance of resectability with RFI, sir spheres, cyber knife, so we will at least be able to look at those options as well.
Well, the neuropathy in my hands is horrible and it is very hard to type with the tingling in my fingers so i will try to update more later.. sure wish they made heated keyboards:)
Thanks for all your prayers, please keep praying for these tumors to just disapear
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
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