Tami asked me to update her blog, as she said in her last post, she has been having some pain after eating, it just seemed to get worse over the weekend, but we finally got her in to have an EKG done. The good news is that it is not cardiac, the bad news is that we were no further along in trying to figure it out.
This morning we tried experimenting, we started with so anti-heartburn meds, she hate a yogurt but still had this pain attack, this is what convinced her to go get the EKG done. After talking to Dr Benson and the doctor that did her colon surgery's weekend service, and not getting alot out of them we decided to try Gas-X 30 mins before eating and her Creon 10 enzymes that she was given a few weeks back to help nutriant ubsorbtion. With this combo at lunch she didn't have one of her attacks, but after a nap she woke up with tailbone pain she gets now and again, I was still secretly happy because it wasn't the pain she had been getting. At dinner we did the same thing, and this time we didn't get any pain (besides the usual little pains she always has and no, I am not talking about me).
Of course this may be a fluke, but we willl keep doing this as long as it keeps working, and as long as she keeps things moving thru her. Just in case as well, we will keep on these doctors to be a little more helpful. I wont hold my breathe on that tho.
My bigger job will be to try and help Tami control her stress levels, I know that is a big factor as well. We did get to have a little fun as we went to the Apple Pork Festival here in Clinton. Anyways, I am sure she will post again soon, she just felt like being a slacker tonight so I am happy to help out :).
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Wishing Tami all the best!
-- lounge queen
Norm ,
You are a God Sent. I strongly agree with what ever works to help make her feel better. Tami ,
Stressing is not a good thing. Just sit back and relax , ( I know easier said then done ) Glad you got to get out and have some fun,
Love ya
Norm you are so very good with this big C thing. Tammi is so lucky to have found you. did you find any barginsa at the Apple and Pork Festival? weather wasn't too bad, just those darn little black bugs that bite are terrible right now. by the way you clean up pretty good. you all looked good at the wedding. Keep up the good work. Barb
Hang in there Tami - we love you!
An interesting article with scientific evidence that healthy living can help fight cancer:
- the lounge queen
just checking in to see how you doing.
Love Ya
Tami: I found this in a magazine and wanted to pass it on to you. "what God leads me to, God leads me through." always always believe in the Lord. Barb
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