It is suddenly occuring to me that at 11 pm at night, that I am overwhelmed with what is about to occur in two days. My baby girl is getting married, WOW my baby girl is getting married. There has been tons of preparations and it has kept me super busy and it's just starting. I am going to have a ton of family around this weekend and I can't wait to see them all. My brother and sister in law is flying in tomorrow, my sister debbie is making tons of flowers for the wedding and it is just amazing how this is all coming together, and did I mention my baby girl is getting married??? Thank GOD, my pain has pretty much subsided, I think it was the magic chalk called barium trying to hang out in my body, and had me pretty worried that there was going to be problems but hopefully, please god, the pain is gone and stays gone, there just isn't time for pain. Cancer has to go way on the back burner or perhaps out the back door for the next couple of days. These are the times of life to be most thankful for, a wedding , a huge family celebration and life itself. WOW, overwhelming... this is the day, I have wondered most if I would be here for, have asked for my seat to be left open with my corsage in my seat if i wasnt here and guess what? I am here!! Life is so good....and to finish this post off, in my true personality I say, Norm WILL cry at the wedding, I guarantee it:P
Thank you God for making this day possible for my daughter, for my family, for my husband, and for me.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
I am so happy for both you and Sarah. I can just imagine how much this means to the both of you..and I am so excited for both of you. I have been thinking about you both a ton lately!! I am sure that Sarah's wedding day will be just as beautiful as she is!!! Please give her a hug and tell her how beautiful she looks for me. I am so happy that you are going to get to be there and I am sure that it means the world to her too!!! I sure do miss seeing you. Take care of you and have a GREAT weekend!!!
I am betting both you and Norm will need plenty of tissues -- heck, I am misting up just thinking about it.
Hope you all have a great day!
-- the lounge queen
I am so happy for the both of you,that I am in tears. Sarah looks Beautiful, and the cake does to.
I am also glad that your scan turned out the way it did.
Give the bride a kiss for me.
Love Ya
Happy, happy, happy day to you and your family tomorrow. What a beautiful thing. Sarah is beautiful and so is so mama. Norm, what can I say. It is okay to cry at the wonder that surrounds you.
Love to all.
Oh Tami and I am so happy for you with the wedding and glad you are feeling good for it! I better see photos and you and Norm have to have some special pics taken! I have wanted to call you, but didn't want to take any time up with your in-laws here. I did get to meet Norm's dad - what a sweetie!!
Wising you all a perfect day tomorrow!!
What a lovely bride!
What a wonderful moment, Tami, to be so full of life. I am so incredibly happy for you, as well as the rest of your amazing family. I hope you have a very special and pain-free weekend!
/tissue Norm
take care,
PS The towel cake is the cutest thing I've seen in a long while! I hope you don't mind if I borrow that idea the next time I attend a shower.
Thanks Gang. Kuri, you can do a search for towel cake instructions and it will show you how to make the towel cakes, it was super easy, two sets of towels, 2 sets of hand towels and 3 wash clothes. Then just let your imagination go wild. We used a stapler to staple the ribbon to itself and a dowel stick in the middle to hold it all together, added a plastic plate at the bottom to hold it all. It was so much fun making it with Kristy, another sharing experience I am sure we will both remember forever.
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