Well you all are right but it's hard to just ignore it. I wish it would just go away just like the cancer. I find myself numb most days, it helps to just be numb, stay busy and not find time to think about things. It's gonna be really lonely when Norm's parents leave a couple days after Sarahs wedding. I love them so much, and I believe they think of me as their daughter, it's nice to have a Mom again, since I lost mine when I was so young. She is always just taking care of me, doing the cooking which is wonderful and cleaning up. It's a great feeling, and I am glad Norm shares both his parents with me.
I have a scan on Monday, it's scary because with the weddding we had to postpone chemo and then it got postponed again since my Dr is out so I will be about 2 weeks late from when I usually I have chemo....so if the scan is bad, that's two weeks I wait until I talk to my Dr, on the other hand if the scan is good, then it's a welcome break from chemo and a chance for my low blood counts to recover. I thought about postponing the ct scan until the following week but Norm feels like it will be good news and we should go ahead with it so please send up some great ct scan results with shrinkage or at least no new growth or, a huh? what cancer would be awesome:)
My sister Debbie's birthday is tomorrow, and just like last year she is spending it working on stuff for me. Last year we spent her birthday at Mayo getting the shock of our lives, and this year she is starting her birthday off with a benefit planning party with the bloomington gang. I got her pink daffodil bulbs for her birthday, I want her to look at them each year and smile and think of the wonderful times we have had, kinda selfish since they are my favorite flower, but shes the one born with a greeen thumb and I wanted to get her something that would make hr smile. She's pretty incredible, when i asked her why she was using another birthday on me, she said, what else would i be doing anyways.... Thank You God for my sister Debbie, and for my whole family, how would I ever get through this without them? People tell me I am strong for going thru this, I tell them, no it's just what you do, I realize it is my family that helps me to get thru it along with some special friends. Thank You God for the great ones in my life. Take time to thank the great ones in your life, life is way too short not to thank the great ones.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Tami: good morning. I'm so glad that you are so close to your in-laws. I think that I was blessed also with good in-laws. they treat me just like yours do, just like I am one of thier daughters. yes, you will miss them a lot, but you have a wonderful family to love and support you. I talked to Deb the other night, she sounds just as sweet as you. where did you get the pink daffodil bulbs? I've only seen the yellow ones. I always get Mom some on daffodil days that the american cancer association puts on every year in remberance of our sister. have a good weekend and I will see you Monday. the prayers are going up all weekend for a good news CT Scan. Barb
I have never seen a pink daffodil either, am sort of drooling - just thinking about it.Did you find them at a local nursery, or a catalog??
Am hoping for a good scan for you. We had unexpected company for 4 days, I thought they were coming for brunch this past Monday, all I had here was blueberry muffins - lol, don't know how I got that " company call" so very messed up. Sure makes life interesting - when you can't figure out what is happening.
Thinking about you always, am sending smiles this week.
It would be nice if we could just turn on and "ignore" button for nuisances, unfortunately we're not equipped with one. Fortunately, human nature allows us to believe something that is repeated often enough, so every time something upsets you, you need to condition yourself to repeat "that's not worth my effort to get upset about etc.". Eventually you'll start to believe it and it won't bug you any more. :)
Good luck with your scan!
-- the lounge queen
Tami : Good Evening,It's great that you and your in-laws get along so well, I never got to meet mine.You are going to have to take a pic of the pink daffodil I have never seen one.Mom and Tammy have been here for the past week and Donna and her husband just left to go back home to Texas.I have only had a week to myself in the past 6 weeks. It has been very helpful for me to stay busy and around others. I'm praying that you have great new's on your scan.
Love Ya
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