We got the results of my ct scan yesterday actually, Norm surprisingly called me up and told me I could relax, I was like huh? He had decided to go to the hospital yesterday afternoon and see if the results were ready and they were. My tumors continue to shrink with the largest being 30 millimeters by 34 millimeters. This is fantastic news! The slightly down side was they are seeing a or more than a loop in my small intestine filled with fluid and some fluid in my right pelvis. My Dr's office says it's nothing to worry about although I have googled it and it could be from scar tissue, building up into a blockage or part of my colon dying out if it becomes strangulated. So for now we will just watch it. I had one of my horrible tail bone pain attacks today. The pain seems to come out of nowhere and it rates a 100 on the 1-10 scale, thankfully, a pain pill, my warmed up debbie pillow and it went away. I can't imagine if it didn't go away. It is the worst pain I have ever had when I get one of these tail bone episodes and they seem to happen about every few weeks. I have read that it could be a presacral tumor, but have no desire to find out if I have even more cancer in my body. The pain subsided but left behind some right side pain almost feeling as though it was in my pelvic bone that is still there. I pray this just goes away and am thankful for the continued shrinkage of my liver tumors. Also, the only place they see tumors is in my liver still so that is a miracle in itself and they now are measuring them in millimeters so I take that as a good thing as they get smaller.
We had the wedding rehearsal tonite, and while I am nervous and excited, I can definitely see Norm is going to be a nut case. He is walking Sarah down the aisle and couldn't be prouder. She is for all intensive purposes, his daughter, and you can see the nervousness to prove it. I fully expect for Norm to cry his eyes out as he gives "his" daughter away to be married in just 3 days.
I have been staying busy with Norm's Mom making decorations, we are about pew bowed out")
It's been a great sharing experience with her and one I am sure she and I will remember for a long time. I am honored to have my in-laws to hang out with. They are pretty special in my heart. I will miss them next week when they take their long 3 day drive back to Canada. I am so glad we have had time to create even more special memories. It's no wonder Norm is the way he is, so patient and loving, it's obvious he gets it from his parents. I wish everyone could have parents like Norm's, and actually I do too with them, so I am pretty lucky in life.
I got the pink Daffodils through brecks.com but I have bought them before at menards. I love any daffodils but pink ones are so awesome and you can get them in a zillion different types all in pink.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
I am not gonna cry dammit!!! :P
Awesome news!!! I am so happy for you (and for your family too)!
:: does a little happy dance ::
(Hey Norm, go ahead and have a good happy cry. It relieves stress.)
-- the lounge queen
Tami I read this post late last night on my way to bed...what a great ending for the day.
Yep you better have a few tissues on hand just in case. Dads are funny that way sometimes.
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