I have this nifty little blog counter here, it shows location of visitors, when they visit, how often they visit, all kinds of fun information. Back in May, I had a MAJOR heartache, well with the cool technology of this little blog counter, I have realized that this person is still tracking my every move, waiting by the side of the road, waiting like a vulture..... so to YOU, A.N., why don't you go away and leave me alone, ya the internet doesn't belong to me, but my blog does, it's none of your business, you caused enough back in May and still continue to ruin my day with thoughts of what you did, I write on here to keep people that care about me up to date, I write because it's good for my soul, it's something to pass on when I am gone, I DON"T write on here to keep you up to date, to let you try to figure how long til you can dive in or to give you one bit of information about me, you have ruined my life with you actions, can you go away now? Subscribe to the paper, my obituary will show up one day but stay the hell away from my blog, after what you did, you have no rights to take this away from me!!!!! You hurt me then, and have every day since and will until the day I die, isn't that enough? cancer and what you have done have did enough to me, I don't need to see your IP show up on my blog to finish my already ruined day off.
To the rest of you who genuinely care, I am sorry to have to post such crap here, but once again I am not posting because this vulture will not go away..... if any of you know a way to block a ip or several, please let me know, this was such a great way to keep everyone up to date, and to write down my feelings.. damn it that I had to use this space on this page for more wasted time.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Tami - Have you reported her to the police for harrassment? Wouldn't this be just like the phone calls! Get an order of protection from the b----.
We love you and care about you and how you are doing.
There is a special place for her down south :|
Stay strong
I agree with Kathy. Would hate to be in her shoes...as ye sew so shall ye reap, karma, what goes around comes around...well you get the picture. It's easy for me to say but I wouldn't validate her cause it's what she wants.
Don't let one person ruin this for you. We all love you and are anxious to hear from you. If you have that little counter, you probably think I'm a stalker cause I click in several times a day to see if there is an update LOL.
Now you have a good day and look forward to getting that baby girl married.
hahaha! Me too Brenda! I swear I check this blog more than my email! And the bad part is that I only live a few blocks away! Anyway, Tami...Ditto to what Brenda said. We love you, and please don't let this selfish ****! effect your health and life!
Love you tons!
Someone like that is not worthy of the effort it takes you to think about it. Definitely not even worth the energy to get upset about it. I know it's hard, but just ignore her. Don't give her the satisfaction of seeing you angry. Life's too short to give attention to losers like that when you have so much more that your attention requires.
Like that upcoming wedding? Looking forward to hearing about the special gift you made...
-- the lounge queen
I agree with your"crew". No matter what the B----- does, what is important is that we love you and love your blog. I'm with Kristi - I check several times each day. Please don't stop updating - the more you need to talk - you go for it!!!!!! We're here for you and with you.
Love ya.
Don't let this thing ( person )or what ever she is get to you.Just keep posting what and how you are doing.I may be 1500 plus miles away but as a friend who has known you 25 plus years I am here for you. If you ever want or feel like talking on the phone just call me anytime.If need be I will call you.Now put everything out of your mind and get Sarah married and you looking like the excited and loveing mom that you are.
Love Ya
Tami: ditto, ditto, ditto. I totally agree with the other blogers. I'm guilty of checking your blog several times a day. I look foward to hearing from you. I've never really dealt with blogs before going on yours. ignore this terrible ugly person and please don't stop your blog because of one bad apple. as always you and your family are in my prayers. Barb
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