I promised I would show you all what I made Sarah for her bridal shower. Kristi, my daughter in law came over and helped. It's a towel cake. I never thought I had any more creativeness in me besides candles, but I found out I did.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Tami: yes, Sarah is beautiful. I love Norm's blog. but as you know from experience please take plenty of kleenex. although tears of happinees are the best kind. I will be thinking of you on Friday. lots and lots of pictures please. The towel cake is really neat. so good to see you the other day. your in-laws are really nice people. have a good day. Barb
Wow, you are creative -- that looks great! Thanks for sharing the picture! I am sure Sarah will love it too.
Now you go and have a superb time at the wedding. And tell us all about it when you get back. :)
-- the lounge queen
I was so busy admiring you towel cake, I completely missed Sarah's picture! She is truly beautiful, and in that dress she looks like an angel.
Best wishes for her on her big day.
-- the lounge queen
Tami the towel cake is beautiful but I'm not surprised. You just didn't realize how creative you are. I'll have to borrow that idea.
Your baby girl is precious and so pretty and I can't wait for pictures of the wedding.
I'll have you all in my prayers for a wonderful day full of blessings and especially that Sarah will have a long happy life with the love of her life...Brenda
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