Saturday, August 30, 2008

Today I am cancer

Today I am just cancer, just a science experiment. I want to quit chemo so bad, maybe I wont have to quit, maybe it will just quit me. I can hardly enertain the idea of taking the poison pills tomorrow, I feel like shit today. I am nautious, feel feverish and my body aches. I dont want to do this anymore, today i feel like what difference does it make, i am dying of cancer, who cares when it is, why prolong the inevitable?????????????????? My dr said we will be at a "decision point" next visit, what does that mean anyway? i askd him that and he said we are always at a decision point after a ct scan, i think he means more, but wont say it, This is a pretty damned expensive science experiment and i am tired of being the center of it, my blood counts are lower than ever, but hey no problem, give her more chemo, i feel like noone really cares, nor understands the world i live in 24 hours a day, cancer is becoming me again and i hate it, if it is true that this is just the beginning and eternal life is forever, why am i fighting so hard to be here? im so tired of worrying about what i can eat and what i cant having so many cant eat thats, gotta eat this instead, this isn't fun in the least. i hate these damn pills and i hate ct scans and i now hate decision points, i hate lists that i make full of possiblities to take to the dr just to be told no, no no, that is only for your liver... it says even though we only see cncer in your liver we know you are consumed with it, so we suck your insurance money dry for the same result if you hadn't spent a dime, death from cancer. off to take pills to put me into a temporary 2 hour sleep, just to have that 5 seconds when i wake up and dont know i have cancer, then 2 hours of trying to go back to sleep knowing i have cancer, this can't be what life is about, it cant be............


Anonymous said...

Don't give up we all care and love you,Don't ever forget that.

Anonymous said...

God knows you're allowed to have some really down god awful days, so my heart is breaking for you today.
I have nothing wise to tell you today,but if I could ...I would just give you a hug that lasted for an hour. Would transfer some strength and hope to you....that you need....and I have extra doses of that to give you.

My brother died when he was just 36 (this was 30 years ago though) of juvenile diabetes. They discovered it when he signed up to go into the Navy when he was just 18. It's a terrible disease...and I got so mad at God when he lost his sight. I'm still mad - if ya want to know the truth. Anyway. about 2 years before he died...I was told that he and my Mom were sitting at the kitchen table having coffee and he said - "Mom, I'm dying, you know!" My Mom replied - "we all are - Billy, every day we go through we are one day closer to dying."

I'm only telling you this - because ...well, it is so true.

I'm not telling you to get strong, stay strong, keep fighting...I'm just telling you that I love you...and I am sending a damn long hug.

Lets pretend we're at the Damn Bar having a bloody Mary......

from Rosemary

Anonymous said...

can't stop thinking about you today, am sending strength, hope and love

hugs and kissies too
from Rosemary

Anonymous said...

Love you, Tami.

I hope you feel my love,thoughts and prayers each and every day. They are comin' your way, girl.


Anonymous said...

Tami: I'm so sorry you feel so bad. I'm sending you a long distance hug and hope it will help. My prayers are with you. I think of you every day and ask God to take this away and make you well and back to your old self again. I love you and have as long as I have known you, which is a long time. At the time of my Moms death she and I both realized none of us will get out of this alive. I thought I'd have her forever. Love you, Patti in Arkansas

Anonymous said...

Sometimes life sucks. I mean really really sucks. But then sometimes it doesn't, and you live for those times, waiting, one day at a time, one moment at a time, for the feeling of joy and comfort and satisfaction and peace. Remember how good that feels?

So wait. Let your loved ones wait with you. Tomorrow is another day.

- the lounge queen

Anonymous said...

Tami: this is one big hug with lots of prayers attached. sometimes we question things and I can't blame you at all for that. have faith. hopefully things will change and real soon. we are going to burn your candle at our party Thursday. and will be thinking of you a lot. Barb

Anonymous said...

Chemo sucks and you be sick.

But in a couple of weeks you have Sara's wedding & you will need your strength. Sit down and get through this period so you will be strong for the wedding weekend:)


Anonymous said...

Tami there is not a one of us that blame you at all for feeling this way. With all you've been through, it's to be expected but just remember that there is a bunch of us pulling for you and praying every day that you will get better so try not to give up.

I know the chemo has to be wearing on you but I picture it killing all those cancer cells and making you healthy again.

Also I want to add my great big hug...Brenda