All of the new fall scents including the Tami's cancer Kickin candle is now available on the website at I hope if you order a cancer kickin candle, you will like it as much as I do. Its one of those that you don't even have to light to smell, just open it and set it on your desk and you have awesome sweet spicy bakery scent. It's been my fav for a long time. Nancy, I have a free one coming your way for the idea, after all this is your brain child lady. I also have your book party stuff coming, I am just slow this week.
Also my wonderful sister Debbie is organizing a benefit for me. It will be October 18th in East peoria. Hopefully many of you can make it out, and if you want to help with it, please send me a email, I know Debbie needs lots of help to get it off the ground. I keep reading about a treatment that costs alot of money that is available in sweeden that has wonderful response rates so am goiong to talk to my dr about it. Obviously, insurance wont cover it, but I am going to check it out at any rate. The saddest part about it is it is made right here in the United states, but FDA won't approve it here yet so it could mean a trip to sweeden and a whole lot of fundraising to get me there and get the treatment. It is supposed to just obliviate liver tumors
I have been really depressed this last week, or maybe two, I can't even remember now. Somedays it's easier to cope than others, and this has just been a tough week. I get blood tests tomorrow to see where my levels are and then will talk to the nurse in chicago to see if I will get chemo this week or not. Normally, the cancer society gets us a hotel for cheap, but not this week, and even on hotwire the rooms are rediculously priced, so if I get chemo, I am going to have to suck it up and go right up and right back home same day. I doubt chemo will happen this week, but tomorrow will tell. I have been on germ control so havent been anywhere, but have had Skylar my grandson here a couple times this week so that has helped me alot. He is about to turn 9 and is such a sweetheart. Well, it's late and I am watching my grandson sleep, so guess I better head that way too. Grandkids are truly the innocence of life, I am so lucky to have my grandkids. They keep me going even when things get tough,
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Tami: I hope that you enjoy those grand kids. don't forget to spoil them rotten. they can really be the light of your life. I don't have any, but I know a lot of people that have and enjoy them a lot. can't wait to get some of the cancer kickin candles. please hang in there girl, things will get better. I just have this feeling that they will. as always in our prayers. Barb
Depression is nasty. It lowers the immunity and repair functions of your body, so it's not good for your to be depressed. I wish one could just say "I won't be depressed!" and everything would be fine, but there is no such thing. Natural ways of getting out of depression is exercise and meditation, but I suspect you're not up to either. Please consider getting some mild antidepressants...
Good luck!
-- the lounge queen
I agree with The Lounge Queen - "happy pills" are wonderful. I don't have anything to be depressed about, but....well my husband and my kids think I need them and it does make a lot of difference. I think they can help you a lot. My thought - what's one more little pill added to all you must have to take. Get you through some of the toughest times.
Where do you need a hotel - what part of Chicago - let me do some searching for you?
Love ya.
Tami - I have been on an anti depressant since dialysis days. I recommend it your body is going through so many chemical changes you really should take something to make you feel better. It really is better for you and your family.
Tami I hope you are feeling better soon. Hopefully your next test will show improvement...I bet that will make you feel a little better. The treatment in Sweden sounds exciting and promising!
I ordered my candles a few days back and am very excited to get them. As funny as it sounds, these will be just for me to enjoy. My own private stash ;). I can't wait to burn your favorite scent and will be thinking positive thoughts for you the whole time I burn them.
The grandchildren sound wonderful. I can't even imagine since my kids are close to thirty and neither are married but they are looking.
You hang in there girlie! Brighter days are coming, I just know it...Brenda
Tami my candles came today and I'm loving them. I burned the cancer kickin' scent today. I blew it out when I went out to milk my goats and was going to light a new one when I came back in but that one was still lingering so much that I decided to wait. It smells so cozy and homey. You did good with that blend and the color is wonderful. Thanks so much for offering these. I thought of you every time I walked by that candle and was sending our prayers and vibes like crazy...Brenda
I am already on happy pills, maximum amount they can give me, maybe it's time for a change in drugs or something. Trust me, I know when my 4 hours is up and it's time for anothr zanax. Brenda, I am so glad you like your cancer kickin candle, that means alot coming from another candle maker, thanks for the prayers everyone. One day at a time, one hour at a time..
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