You know, I have been thinking all day about how it almost seems like cancer was in my future. I have rekindled relationships with family I never thought I would be able to. I have become so close to my siblings, well it makes me tear up when I think of how touched they are by my situation. They never miss a day calling me, listening to me ramble and chit chatting with me. This helps me so much. It is so nice to see that my whole world isnt cancer, it's being so fortunate. It still amazes me how so many of you I have become friends with since my blog. Brenda, Rosemary, Lounge Queen, it is so awesome of you to put yourselves out there for someone like me that you've never even met. Then I have my candle customers, now friends, all because of cancer. Barb, Jackie, Kathy, Brandie, Kim, Nancy and Laurie. You gals are amazing people, I have sold you candles for years, but never in my wildest dreams did I realize how your words would come into play to help me get thru cancer. You have become, not just my customers, but my friends. It is amazing to me how many people have reached out to us. Norms work cooking for us, the random cards, the emails... how blessed I am in this world that doesn't offer me much hope, but for what it's worth, I have learned how many people care. I remember long ago going to a counselor with my ex and he asked me who I needed in my life, I remember telling him I didnt need anyone. I could do whatever I needed all by myself. I remember thinking this will come up again in counseling and it has always stuck in my head. That is pretty much how I lived my life before cancer. I could do whatever, by myself, I could count on me, and now my world is so much different. I need all of you, You have no idea what your few words you tell me inspire me to keep going.
I have to be honest, I have thought more than once about running away and dying by myself. I don't want to put my family thru what I remember going thru with my Mom at 14. I don't want them to watch me suffer, and like I say it has crossed my mind more than once just to disapear. I have talked to my family about the whole idea. I realize now, it's not my right to take those last moments away from anyone, it's their right to be with me or to walk away, it's their choice, not mine. It's rather strange the way you learn life lessons, and especially so when faced with a no win situation such as my cancer. My husband has taken the brunt of my emotions, my illness, and my not always so kind words. I wish I could take back much of what I have said, but I can't and I know he wouldn't have it any other way. When he says he would take the pain from me if he could, I know, he really means it.
As I said before I am the luckiest girl alive, ya I have cancer that will ultimately take my life, but I also have people that have touched my heart in a way I would have never known if it weren't for this cancer. I'm glad God is giving me the extra time to experience what I have. I also know I have been a huge pain in the ass, all I can do is apologize for that and hope that everyone understands. I want to bottle up everything everyone has shown me and hang on to it. I know I can do this in my heart, and I have....
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
In my prayers tonight, "God, thank you for Tami".
Love ya,
It's amazing how loved ones can be there when the chips are down and relationships can be mended. The love is always there but we just let pride and other things get in the way. I have to say though that I envy you that family.
We may have never met in person but it's been years since we pondered all those candle issues LOL. I found a bunch of our old emails while searching for something the other day and they were priceless. I was rather impressed at the dialogue and problem solving between us. I remembered it as being much more anxiety ridden on my part LOL. I'm pretty sure I would have given up on the candles back then if not for were so level headed.
I know this battle has got to get tiring for you and discouraging at times but you have come so far and beat the odds. Don't let the blood counts get you down...I know easy for me to say.
I thought of you a lot in the past two days so I said a little prayer for you every time you crossed my mind. It means a lot to me that you let us know we are helping in some small way. My prayer for you tonight is not only for a complete healing but also a happiness and peace of mind that will surpass all understanding...Brenda
My Prayers are with you Tami and so are Paul's..I wish I could take this all away from you.I may be 1500 miles away but I am with you in thought.God Bless You
Love Ya
Tami you are so strong!
I don't know how you do it girl!
Maybe this horrible disease just brought out the real Tami .... we all put on that protective armor thinking we don't need anyone and then shutting people out, not knowing we do it .... as I sniff my "I Believe in Miracles" candle, I send out prayers and wish you the peace of knowing we all care - you are a pretty neat gal afterall!
Keep believing in those miracles - I know I do!
It's funny how adversity makes us appreciate those things we did not before....
I can understand how you wanted to run away to save your loved ones from grief. I think you made the right choice in not doing so, not from just your point of view, but from theirs too. Put yourself in their position: if Norm was the sick one and you the healthy one, would you rather he disappeared from your life, or that he stayed around so you could try to help him? I think you'd be devastated a lot more if he left. He'd deprive you of the chance to spend time with him, the chance to experience a form of adversity that would allow you appreciate things more, the chance to grow as a person.
Loved ones are there for a reason: to love and care, no matter what. Let them. It will benefit all.
-- the lounge queen
I am blessed to have met you & developed & kept a friendship over the years. All starting over candles! You have a heart of gold & everyone who knows you feels that. In some weird, cruel way everything in life has some purpose. Even if it's just to make us better, more loving human beings. I know I am busy, but never to busy for my friend. If you ever need anything, even just an email to vent or ramble..I am here! Everyone loves you & prays for you constantly. Love you! Laurie
Tami: I'll never forget when our frendship started. it all started with Dale bringing home on e of those cute little bears that yopu dip. then my family got to know2 you. and we all agree that you are such a kind loving person. I will always admire you for your strength and especially for your strong faith in the Lord. as always you are in our prayers. Barb
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