The past few days have been some of those days. Last night I can't tell you as a Mother how proud I was of my son, Kenny. He has served on the volunteer fire dept in our town for the last five years, He has taken every class that was offered, gotten less than a hours sleep many nights while he was serving the people of our town on fire calls, he has stepped out of his comfort zone of being shy and went to the schools to educate kids on fire safety. He has been a volunteer firefighter. Way too much controversy has brewed in our town to the point of nepotism, where the father appointed his son as fire chief. It has been said that 18 of the 24 firemen had a problem with it, They went to the mayor, to the town council, and each time they were told to be quiet, they weren't going to be heard, no changes were going to be made, take it or leave it. Last night I watched my 28 year old son walk his gear across the street and make his final trip to the firestation and resign. I watched my son on television as he gave his interview, and the question asked of him, was it seems you are emotional about this, my sons reply was" This is very emotional. I can't begin to tell you how proud I am of my son for not turning the other cheek, for not laying down and being rolled over, and for not sticking with what he loved most because his safety was at risk with the new fire chief. My son loved firefighting, he did the thankless job of a fireman and I am so proud of him! I am also proud that my son stuck to his beliefs and resigned his position along with other firefighters last night. I hope one day when things change, he will once again be able to do what he loves so much, but am filled with pride that he stood up for his beliefs and resigned.
This has been another life lesson for me, I am his Mother, and I have taught him to stand up for himself and he showed me that last night. I am proud of you KJ, anyone can turn thieir cheek, but it takes a true man to stand up for what is right, I am filled with tears knowing that you are my son and I couldn't be any prouder of you! I have accomplished one of the greatest accomplishments ever with my son. I am sorry for a bit you won't be able to run like crazy when the pager goes off, things change and someday you once again will be able to do what you love!
I am headed off for chemo this afternoon, my blood counts are low but hopefuly ok for chemo. This makes round number 6, I will have a ct scan to see how much more shrinkage we have in two weeks.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
I second that motion of pride, I never knew I would be honored enough to witness the bravery and strength of my husband in such an overwhelming, humbling capacity. I fell in love all over again with your son that night, Tami. Thank you doesn't seem like enough for raising my husband, your son, to be a man of integrity and conviction!
I love you! Good luck at chemo, come home to us safe and sound!
Tami: I've been reading about the situation with the firefighters in Clinton. it kind of reminds me of some of the silly things that our board in Heyworth does. it really sounds like the town made a bad decision about the new chief. I have never met Kenney, but he sounds like a very strong sensible young man. he sounds a lot like his Mama. I have heard Kristi talk about him and how proud she is of him. the best of luck to you during your chemo. my thoughts and prayers are with you. Barb
Tam, you have every reason to be so proud.....and being overwhelmed with pride is such a great good thing, just sit back and enjoy it to the enth degree. Have been thinking about your " collectibles"...your kids. Not having any collectables that sit on a shelf and need dusting - is a damn good thing.
Have a nice weekend - and no labor for any of us!!!
from Rosemary
You have every reason to be a proud mama.
Good luck with the chemo!
-- the lounge queen
Hey Tami,
I am so glad KJ turned out to be the kind of man he has. You did a great job with him but then again I knew you would,You have been given the right to be proud of him. I am also proud of him and you for the strength the two of you have.You are very lucky to have Norm, and all of your family. ( God Bless Tami and Watch over her and her Family.Keep them safe and bring Tami home to them after her chemo, Give her good new's about the tumor or tumor's ,and that the cancer is gone from her body so that she can spend many a years with her loved one's )
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