I have already talked about a treatment that is available in Europe that has shown to be quite effective on Neuronedocrine tumors, it is called LU-177. The cost with travel to get two outpatient treatments is approx. $40,000. The unfortunate part is it is made right here in the United States but the FDA has not passed it here. Here is a email address that you can write to them asking them to look further into passing this drug so that treatment here in the United States can be given. This treatment has shown great results in Europe for the last several years, It could cure me, It could extend my life, and it could give me longer quality of life. If you would please send out a email to Milinda.vialpando@fad.hhs.gov I would appreciate it greatly. Please pass it on to everyone you know. This would be a miracle come true if this drug could get passed thru the FDA in my lifetime. They are working on this in Texas somewhere but haven't even started clinical trials with it yet, Time is so valuable
Here are some reasons another poster cited on one of my cancer groups:
1) Effective for a larger range of tumor sizes than the very successful> IN-111.>> 2) Has been widely used to great advantage in Europe for a number of years,> with a very excellent record of safety and efficacy.>> 3) Many NET patients are going to Europe, on a regular basis, to get> treatments that could be offered here, and the financial incentive to keep> BOTH treatment funds AND the expenses of travel and lodcings in another> country IN the US should be very attractive. This also opens up treatment> options to the huge number of patients that MIGHT be able to go to Houston,> but could never afford to go to Europe.>> 4) The carcinoid/NET community is working with the Houston area in drawing> up plans for a 'residence' for patients in this outpatient therapy, and the> FDA approval of a new mode of treatment will speed the process and show the> ability of the community and the country to reach out to those of all> 'stripes' of cancer.>> 5) I, personally, am counting on the LU-177 treatment to extend not just> the duration, but the quality of my life.> ---------->> So, if you've got a mind to do so, or are wanting the LU-177 treatment> without the overseas flight, or are just planning for the (distant, we hope)> future, drop Ms. Vialpando a note in the next few days. Ask your friends and> family to do the same.>> It's something that'll do us all some good. EVERY option is a GOOD option> for someone, and our goal should be to have as many options as possible!!
Here are some additional reading on this drug LU-177
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Tami: I will be gald to send an e-mail off to this person about the LU-177 treatment. hope that you have a better week this week. I really have been waiting for those pictures of you waving the flag at the race. please tell Norm we would all love to see those pictures. Barb
here is a thought for you today: "hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without words and never stops at all. have a good day. Barb
I have been thinking of you Tami, and all the sweet people here - but have been in Maine Med Hosp. over in Portland since the 31st. Am still sort of shocked, had 2 heart attacks, carotid artery surgery....and nothing went smoothly.
Having to rethink my priorities, never ending stupid lists.
BUT....now I understand that "today is all we have."
from Rosemary
Tami Girl,
I sent the email this evening and hope our voices make the difference you need. Keep us posted and know our prayers are with you every day.
Love ya,
I am so sorry you have went thru medical problems, hopefully you are on the mend now. hang in there. I did miss your comments and hoped everything was ok, please let me know how you are doing. My prayers are headed your way lady. Take GOOD care of yourself.
Thinking of you,
I didn't get to wave the flag, I was having a mental breakdown that weekend and never ended up going. We can reschedule it, but have to wait for my blood counts to do that.
Thank you all for your offers to help with the benefit, your kind words for the day, your prayers and sending on a message to get this treatment here in the U.S
Love all of you gals,
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