This has become my favorite picture, Norm took it on our recent trip to my sisters cabin in Wisconsin. It reminds me of the road of life. You never know where the road will lead, you can't see that far ahead, you never know how many twists and turns life will give you, just like the road, and you aren't even sure how many mailboxes you will have to open in life or what lies inside, good news, bad news, junk mail that is unimportant and can be thrown away or serious letters that will change your life forever. This picture says it all about life, or at least to me it does.
Today is the one year anniversary of the beginning of my knowledge of cancer in my life. In the past year I was on clear liquids for 18 days, shocked to be told my life could only be prolonged, not cured, went thru 17 rounds of 3 different variety's of chemo therapy and had one very long surgery. I could go into mountains of details, sharing the massive medical records we have accumulated, my entire story, but honestly, it's not important, what is important is I am still alive and my road of life is still continuing. The picture above says it all, we aren't sure if we will get good news of bad as we stop at the mailbox and we aren't sure how many more twists and turns there are in my road of life, we aren't even sure where the road ends, but today my road in life continues! One day at a time, one hour at a time, one second at a time, one breath at a time, this is how I have made it to where I am now with alot of help from God, my family and friends. Who would have thunk it possible one year ago today???
Tami: I am so glad to still have you after a whole year of that nasty cancer. you know how our parents warned us of those bad four letter words. well in my vocabulary this six letter word {cancer) is the one of the worst words. you are such a good friend, and we treasure all of the time we have with you. you are still and always will be one of the bravest and smartest people I know. keep up the fight and there is a cure out there somewhere. Barb
Tami, I am thank god that you are still here with us.The time has gone by so fast. I just got off the phone with Paul and you are in his prayers.My hart go's out to you and your family.You are very a very strong willed lady and I look up to you for that.I wished I could say I know how you feel but I can't.Just know that I will be here for you.no matter what.
Debbie In Fl.
Tami I love the picture too and can see just what you like so much about it. You have been through a lot in one short year bless your heart and proven some docs wrong. Keep doing that!
I appreciate you allowing us to share this experience with you. It's been a comfort for me and I check your blog on a daily basis...Brenda
Hi Tami, you never fail to amaze me,I have to go back and read a few more of your posts, but have to check it out for sure, Is Sept. 19th the wedding date?? Is that the date we are all holding our breath for??
It will be such a day for celebrating. I thought of both of us last night while listening to the Ted Kennedy speech. It brought tears to my eyes when he mentioned being around in January.
Don't know exactly where I'm going with this thought, just that I can sometimes be so good at visualizing....and tonight I'm thinking of you as a bull fighter....that's right....lol, waving that red cape around. You are the tough-strong one, the bull looks like a wilted pansy.
Thanx Norm, for the message, I've been trying to come up with some recipes for you...will get in gear and get everyone rounded up for things for you to try.
from Rosemary
Makes you think of how nice it is to stop sometimes and enjoy the sights at the side of that road.
Take care of yourself!
-- the lounge queen
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