Well as expected my regular oncologist says no to sirspheres, he says I need systematic chemo because of the spread of my cancer. So... we now have some decisions to make. We have some additional radiation oncologist emails from different parts of the united states so we are going to confer with them and see what they have to say. I also found out last night that there is a Dr in colorado that deals with the peritoneal mets, and was even told that many times they will use cyberknife if there are only a few rather than the 12 hour hipec heated chemo into the belly surgery, so there are options, it's just my oncologist doesnt' agree with the options. So we are faced with many decisions, please pray we get the knowledge to make the right choices. We aren't even sure if the radiation onc. that we talked to will go ahead if we choose to go with sirspheres since he knows my onc isnt in agreement and they are both from Northwestern.
We head to Chicago today to prepare for what will be my 4th type of chemo, 20th treatment in 14 months. WOW, thats a mouthful huh? Please pray for this chemo to go smooth with no reactions and easy side effects. It's always scary starting a new chemo, not knowing what to really expect and praying and hoping it will work.
I am still experiencing this pain that I think is a bladder infection so we will get a culture on that tomorrow as well.
I had a wonderful time with Liz, janice and Heather yesterday. For a while the cancer was gone and it was just 4 friends hanging out. That's the way it's supposed to be. I look forward to more moments like that! Thank you all for taking time from your busy schedules to come hang with me!
Barb, thank you so much for the cap you made me. I will wear it proudly, it means so much knowing you made it, Thank you so very much:) Everyone around me says I shouldn't shave my head yet, but my pillow full of hair tells me different, I am sure I will be shaving it soon
To my FoHo Gals, you know who you are, your the best! Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers and thanks for your offer to take care of personal business for me, THAT brings a HUGE smile to my face.
Onward we go, thru the path of life, may it bring the decisions we need, present challenges we can handle and give us time to stop and smell the daffodils along the way!
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Tami I am praying as I type that you will be directed to the perfect treatment for you and that your treatment today will go smooth with no side effects.
Thanks for the nod to us FOHO gals...we are there for you girlie anytime.
Take care and update us when you can...Love, Brenda
Wishing you tons of wisdom to be able to make the right choices.
Good luck,
the lounge queen
Tami, I cant tell you which way to go but I know what I would do if in your shoes. and I know God will tell you what to do.
Love Ya
Tami: I will be thinking of you and your family this weekend, and hope for you to make the decisions that will lead you in the right direction. hopefully you will be feeling better in a couple of days. please keep us posted.....Barb
Tami, I am keeping you in my thoughts & prayers! If there is anything else I can do, please let me know.
(tater_salad on the FOHO board)
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