Well, Norm talked to the radiation oncologist yesterday and he said I definitely would benefit from the sirspheres liver directed chemo beads... but he wants to make sure my reg oncologist is on board and that is where I think we will have the problem. Had we did this months ago, then we would only be dealing with the new cancer, and though only done in a few places in the U.S, they do something called heated chemo where they go in and pour hot chemo directly on the peritoneal cancer. So all we can do is hope and pray that we can get to a answer to help us. Chemo is on friday so I am sure we will be discussing this then.
I had the best time yesterday with my friend Liz. She came over and hung out with me and it was a lot of fun just talking about old times. She called me this morning and is coming back this afternoon and bringing even more old friends so it should be a lot of fun! I can't wait. No loneliness for me today:)
I have been having some pain issues since last night, I think maybe I have a bladder infection or at least I hope it's not cancer problems with my bladder. I have taken liquid moriphine twice trying to get rid of the pain. It is so weird the way medication works on me now. It eitherworks immediatley or takes hours to work, and sometimes it is like I have taken too much because it all hits at one time. I think this must have something to do with my sometimes slow digestion, so I am going to talk to the Dr about this as well. I am going to ask for the pain patch, at least that doesn't have to be digested to work. It scares me that I will overdose because of my slow digestion.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Tami: I've been thinking of you these last few days. have you found a local oncologist? I hope that this new chemo works well for you. so glad to hear about all of your friends coming over today. I wish some more of your family lived closer to you. I met your sister Deb a while back. she seems really nice. have fun today. Barb
Well, it seems my fervent wish for you to have some fun days came true -- glad to hear it.
The patch is good, I've seen it work well -- hope you get it.
Hoping this cancer treatment works for you, and wishing you some more fun days,
the lounge queen
Tami, I don't know you, really, just through FOHO's, but just wanted you to know, that you are an inpspiration to me, and to all for that matter. Don't ever give up! I'm pulling AND praying for you and your family!
Stay strong and try to enjoy every minute of every day!
God Bless you,
Tami, I am so glad you had a fun day, The patch is great,I know of someone who has it and it is a lot better for you.The only way for the liquid morphine will work properly is for you to take it on a reguler schedual like all pain meds. if you don't then it takes longer for it to work if it works at all.I know this through experance.At any rate just live for the moment of the day and keep the faith. I will be praying for you.
Fla. Deb
Tami -
So glad that Liz came by and is coming by with more friends .... laughing about good ole times is good for the soul. Wish I could come over and hang with you too!
Ok, fellow bloggers ... let's get this prayer chain started for good results on Friday ... and email everyone you know about Tami's benefit - www.tamisbenefit.com .... we might need to get this gal to Louisiana!
Hey Girl,
I had the best time with you on tuesday also. I am so glad you enjoyed the day. Coming back on Wednesday was so much fun. I havent' laughed that hard in a long time and you really had alot of laughs too. What would we do without our Heather and her experinces? No body can tell it like her. Janices face was priceless when she listned to the cat stories. Oh what a great day. You stay strong KEEP your faith and if you think you need to and I suggest you do take paper and pen and on your ride to chicago write down all the things you talked about and MAKE the doctor give you and Norm his answers. Even if the answer is heell check on it. tell him great youll call in a couple of days to find out. You are a awesome friend, mom, wife sister and nana. You are incredible. I agree with the prayer chain. Remember God is good. He loves you and so do many people. Well, need to go but when things get tough think of the cat story our heather told and laugh like you did yesturday. It was great for ya.
Love Ya
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