WOW! The power of people, continue to amaze me. My neices friend Autumn, used her connections and my benefit info with my name is showing up for 10 seconds of every minute on those digital ad boards in Peoria. I am famous! I am now also listed on
with the benefit details. Simply amazing!
I hope to see many of you there, and have been asked if I will lbe there, and yes I plan to be there, probably won't last the whole night but God willing I will be there, even if I have to wear a surgical mask if my blood counts are really low. For more info and directions go to Thank you to each of you who have donated, are going to the benefit or have helped to put the benefit together. It is overwhelming that there are so many people that care about me enough to pull off a benefit, and that there are so many people praying for me. Thank you all
My pain has returned off and on, still trying to get it figured out. It really is as if the lower part of my colon just shuts down, no exit, stop light, until it feels like working again, so hopefully this will work itself out.
I am excited for Thanksgiving! Last year I didn't think I would get to see another one and through many many prayers, I am here. I can remember years ago when the kids were little. We always just had dinner with the kids, but I can remember putting the turkey in the oven at o dark hundred in the morning so we could have a early dinner, and then watching the kids comb thru the newspaper ads to make their Christmas lists. Those were the days! This year will be a little different, as the kids will be doing most of the cooking, but as tradition has been since I have been with Norm, we will be making the stuffing. He has always helped me tear the bread cubes, tossing a cube now and then at the dogs and getting the biggest kick out of it. We will be missing our dear friend Gizmo this year who won't be here to catch the bread chunks, but it will be nice to continue the stuffing tradition with Norm. I don't think there has ever been a time when we didn't have Thanksgiving dinner at our house, and except for Sherri who lived in Texs for a few years, the kids have always been here. It will be a time of celebration, with 5 grandkids and 2 more on the way, and 2 step grandkids being added on in July when Eric gets married. WOW we are turning into a large family. I plan to enjoy every second I can with the kids, grandkids and Norm. I am even thinking of dawning a surgical mask and getting out to a store or two on friday morning. I don't get out much at all anymore, with the germs, and with the way I have been feeling, but I want Norm to feel a bit of "normal" Tami, and I think this is the perfect way.
I actually wrote this yesterday and never got to post it. We did hear back from another Dr in North Carolina that Norm sent my scans to, and this Dr says I am a excellent candidate for sirspheres for my liver tumors, Praise the Lord! It just so happens that this Dr practices at the same hospital that one of the few Dr's who does the hipec(heated chemo for the omentum) also works, so this could be my sign. We are definitely looking more into this. I just pray that my colon problems clear themselves up, I am still at a point of hurting from nothing going thru, hurting from making too much come thru with laxatives and a completely quiet stomach, so this has to be our first concern, finding a solution. My Dr has said in the past that if I would get a complete blockage, they may not do surgery for it, so this is weighing heavy on my mind.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy the togetherness of family and friends. Make it a day to truly give thanks for life, and the company of family and friends. Remember to take time to enjoy the day, that really is what life is all about, not the hussle and bussle and OMG how am I going to get thru all of this, isn't it?
Psychic Kids
15 years ago