i dunno, seemed liked a good title for today. Seems like the wheels are going round and round. At moments, I can forget about this cancer and just live, and that in itself is a good thing. I wish I could go back, but can't, but know I can go forward with the lessons I have learned from this and there have been many. Life is so different now, instead of waking up in the middle of the night wondering how I am going to get all the candles poured and parties booked, I wake up for more medicine at night now. I am doing good getting myself slowly weaned from oxycodone, am still taking it every 4 hours but now down to a half most times. I am addicted to zanax and somehow that isn't going to change, they just make me feel mellow and I shake when I don't have them, so for now I will take them. Chemo has been rougher this time, as if it's a walk in the park anytime. The nausea, fever and just generally not feeling good has continued on. My memory is getting worse, and sometimes I wonder if I just forget how bad chemo was last time. Good news is I still have my hair! I do see some hair loss but not much. I almost want to say I know this chemo is working but am so afriad to say anything out loud for fear of jinxing myself. It is almost easier not getting a scan. I got my scan scheduled today for July 14th.
Kathy, thank you for a comment you made a long time ago about peppermints helping your stomach, they definitely work for my nausea! Actually thank all of you who comment on my blog, your positive comments help me so much. Rosemary and Brenda your words are encouraging, I feel like you are my co workers cept I am off work right now:) Barb and Jackie, it is so nice to know your in my corner, hopefully Barb I will get to see you for my scan. Lounge queen your words are very insightful for me. It's so funny how you can pull strength from people that you have never met and for me alot of you I have never met but feel like we've known each other for a long time. Nancy, the lasagna was awesome, thank you so much, your so much fun! Brandi, what can I say, your the girl! Amish harvest will be back Aug 1, are you gonna book a party? I am actually going to start trying to book some fall candle parties in the next few weeks. I promised my sister fall would be knock her socks off busy with candle and I gotta make sure it is. Nancy gave me a awesome suggestion for a candle, my fav scent and my fav color and call it Tami's Cancerkickin candle. I think we are going to do it, and fall time is perfect as it has my all time favorite scent. If I have missed anyone, I am sorry, it's my memory really. I love all of you. When I started this blog, it was my way of just documenting what I was going thru and being able to just write down my feelings, it has grown from there to a somewhere out there other family and I am thankful I have each of you to encourage me in this mess we call cancer.
Most importantly, I have fired Norm as pool boy! Well, not fired, but will have to watch him much closer. We took the cover off to find crystal clear water surrounded by green walls, so norm was busted for not brushing the pool good enough. I swear I have to keep my eye on him constantly, men ya know how they are anyways.
Lastly, I realized today that I have had 15 rounds of chemo and have successfully passed the 10 month mark since my diagnosis. Most of it seems like such a blur, and then so many parts still seem like a stab in the chest, so fresh. I keep thinking a year ago I had no idea how much my world was going to change, and then think, God let me make it past the one year mark and then the two year mark, God, let me keep being able to fight this disease and continue to live. Sometimes, it's just scary how unpredictable life can be... it's so easy to get caught up in the what ifs and why me's, and then other times it's thank you God for my wonderful family and for teaching me so much along the way of life
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
In my defense there was just 2 or 3 little green spots, so I am gonna appeal my firing!!!
In hind sight, getting fired leaves more time for laying around the pool, instead of scrubbing it, I ain't so dumb after all ;)
as I always say you are always in our prayers. right on the top of my please pray for list. you bet I will see you on th 14th for your scan. I loved your pictures of you guys at the cabin. looks like fun. the candle named after you is great, but what is the color and scent. is this a surprise? please lay off the pool boy, he sounds like a great one. I still get a tear in my eye when I read how you two got together. awesome story. when your candle comes out be sure and let us know I need to order some of those. Barb
Tami you know we love you too girlie. I can't wait for that cancer kickin candle...would love to have a candle somebody else poured LOL. I guess it's kind of like eating your own cooking after a while. You know all us candle girls may put them down but we always go back to them and they motivate use in their own little way. I know you are getting your groove back if you are wanting to get your self involved in the biz again...just can't stay away can you and I love it!
Sigh...a good pool boy is hard to find these days. You might want to give Norm another chance. I think he's liking that firing a little too much.
I hope you and your family have a wonderful 4th. Keep us posted on that candle. Brenda
It's good to keep busy and keep focused on something other than the cancer - just don't overdo it! I know your love of candles and you are just awesome with them ... I have loved your candles from the first time I sniffed on, been hooked and I need to order more soon, but am waiting on your cancer kickin' candle now!
Enjoy the pool ... and the pool boy!
Can't wait for the Cancer Kickin' Candle to appear. I want a bunch of em!!!!
You know about those pool boys - they are good to keep around and you have one of the really good ones. A little green never hurt anyone :)
Happy 4th of July Tami and Norm.
Love ya.
Tami, it's fun to hear you joke around, and be teasing and sarcastic. Now, if you only knew how hilarious the kids were when they told me that Norm was fired monday...Oh, did you see Korban's new trick? It's a pretty good one...
Love ya girly!
Do you like the old fashion lemon drops - They work too -
Happy 4th!
I'm excited I will be driving down to KY with my dad this weekend to see my grandpa's birth place. Just dad and I - first time we have gone a trip together :)
Should be a good time.
Take care
It sounds like the pool boy needs more practice in scrubbing. Send him over my place and I will allow him to practice scrubbing my pool, free of charge, I feel I should give him a break on your account.
-- the lounge queen, whose pool wasn't scrubbed at all this year yet, and it shows
p.s.: I am glad to see you get something out of my postings!
I got such a snicker over Norm being "fired" and then lounging by the pool. How cool is that!!! lol
At first I thought I wanted to know what scent your "kickin" candle would be, but don't tell me now - will just buy the heck out of them and find out. You'll have to let me know how to buy them.
Ya know - I'm up here in mid-Maine in what is known as the lake region. I sell candles at a tiny cute gallery close by...and the sell out is Salty Sea Air, Salty Mariner....oh, and Monkey Farts. Am always surprised at what people like. Water types are my personal fave - but I am tired of them now. Well, maybe not. I dunno!! Last year citrus was the big summer seller.
I hope your holiday will be a sunny day and that your pool boy waits on you hand and foot. I'll be thinking of you. Wish you and Norm could be here at the picnic we go to up at the end of the lake. We were sort of adopted by an old "Mainer" family here - even though we will always be considered ...from away. So - there will be 24 lobsters there...but not for long. Last year I spilled my melted butter on myself - looked like a greaseball the rest of the day. Didn't even mind being shoved off the dock after the picnic.
Whatever-whenever you post you always make me think. This time the "year ago" part strikes home. All I know is you are so strong and brave, more so than you will ever know. You make me feel grounded and to not obsess about the little stuff I take for granted. I feel you are a teacher, and you are much loved and appreciated by me.
I've gone on too long, have hogged your blog with personal stuff, sorry sweetie. Just wanted to say - after reading your posts - I get a chance to screw my head on straight for the day - to make 180 degree adjustments.
Here's a great thought for us all to remember...
“I have never been a millionaire. But I have enjoyed a crackling fire, a glorious sunset, a walk with a friend and a hug from a child. There are plenty of life’s tiny delights for all of us.” Jack Anthony
Love ya. Jackie
I read this just yesterday and would like to share it with you. "hope is not an emotion, it is a discipline." Barb
FYI: New test could track tumors in 'real time' http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2008-07-02-cancer-cells_N.htm?csp=34
Not of any help for now, but I figure you ought to know about it. Never know what the future holds.
-the lounge queen
I so agree with Tami, this is the nicest group of people ever - it's a true comfort zone.
Am thinking of you today Tami, and am also celebrating "you." I hope your day today is a good-and-plenty kind of summer holiday.
Jackie - I love that quote - am going to have to write it down and stick it on the wall right in front of me, I mean - how very true is that.
Barb - that's a new way for me to think about "hope" too. It is so NOT just wishing!!
Lounge Queen - there are so many new things coming down the pike, have been reading about stem cells lately - makes me wish the future was tomorrow already.
One more article of interest I came across:
Accidental fungus leads to promising cancer drug
Happy July 4th! Hope your celebration includes a bloody mary...
-- the lounge queen
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