The weekend was wonderful. I got to hang out with my sister Debbie, brother in law Mike and Norm. We had such a good time just hanging out! My sister is the best of the best. They brought along everything, wouldn't even hear of us bringing anything. Normally I would have felt like a idiot showing up with just my diaper bag filled with meds and ensure but Debbie and Mike just have it going on. It's great to get to hang out with both of them. Debbie is one of the worlds best cooks and served some delicious food as usual! Of coarse, they made us sleep in their bedroom in the RV, they wouldnt even have that any other way, in Debbie style. Oh and we went to the race, but that was secondary to the fun and good time we had with Debbie and Mike. I told ya, I have a one of a kind family:) I didn't get to wave the flag, but it really was ok, who knows, maybe next year and if not I will wave the flag from heaven one day. I felt pretty good all weekend, between the 3 of them and some of their friends, they got me to and from the track. We took a wheelchair up with us but didn't even end up using it at all. With their friends, the trams and one of the tracks golf carts and the elevators at the track, there wasn't too much walking. Also, a HUGE thanks to the great guy that gave us tickets to the race! They were great seats and it was a lot of fun! After the race, Mikes brother was back at the RV, and it was great to see him. He is such a sweetheart, he got me and Norm matching Kurt Busch tshirts and we promised him we would take a picture of us wearing them. This is a picture of all of us, along with Mikes friend. Norm took about a zillion track pictures and was thrilled to get to see Mark Martin signing autographs, we were too late to get a ticket for the signing but Norm did get some fabulous pictures. We have never seen Mark Martin signing at the races so that was a huge treat for Norm.
I had the CT scan this morning and am just off for a much needed nap. We should have the results of the scan tomorrow, hoping for some disapearing and shrinking tumors, and nothing new. Prayers and positive vibes are appreciated. One of the blogs I read off and on, I found out last night she had passed on, so sad but so true, she went in for what should have been a very survivable surgery on her liver and ended up getting a lung infection and dying. That has put me kinda down, but lets me know it is so true, what I always say, we only have today, never promised tomorrow. Her name was Sarah, just as my daughter and she was only 36 years old. Way to young to die and leave behind 2 little ones. My words for today, come from her blog back a few years ago, before I even knew I had cancer.
"Remember then that there is only one important time and that time is now. The most important one is always the one that you are with. And the most important thing is to do good for the one who is standing at your side. For these, my dear boy, are the answers to what is most important in this world. This is why we are here. — The Three Questions by John J Muth"
Sarah, I hope you are flying high with your wings today.
I still believe I am one of the luckiest girls alive with the family that I have. I have no doubt I would have given up long ago without them. They all keep me strong, each in their own way, I hope I created even more happy memories for them, I know they did for me, although my crazy sister promised if I didn't get to wave the flag, she'd take off her shirt and let me wave that, I didn't get to do that, but it's ok too:) She is such a nut, that's why I love her so much. She just lives the moment, and I know how much she loves me, and trust me when I say, if I would have asked for her shirt to wave, she would have had it off in a heartbeat, just for me, although I might have had to give her a dollar(sorry it's a me and Debbie joke) Live strong everyone, today is all we have.
I had the CT scan this morning and am just off for a much needed nap. We should have the results of the scan tomorrow, hoping for some disapearing and shrinking tumors, and nothing new. Prayers and positive vibes are appreciated. One of the blogs I read off and on, I found out last night she had passed on, so sad but so true, she went in for what should have been a very survivable surgery on her liver and ended up getting a lung infection and dying. That has put me kinda down, but lets me know it is so true, what I always say, we only have today, never promised tomorrow. Her name was Sarah, just as my daughter and she was only 36 years old. Way to young to die and leave behind 2 little ones. My words for today, come from her blog back a few years ago, before I even knew I had cancer.
"Remember then that there is only one important time and that time is now. The most important one is always the one that you are with. And the most important thing is to do good for the one who is standing at your side. For these, my dear boy, are the answers to what is most important in this world. This is why we are here. — The Three Questions by John J Muth"
Sarah, I hope you are flying high with your wings today.
I still believe I am one of the luckiest girls alive with the family that I have. I have no doubt I would have given up long ago without them. They all keep me strong, each in their own way, I hope I created even more happy memories for them, I know they did for me, although my crazy sister promised if I didn't get to wave the flag, she'd take off her shirt and let me wave that, I didn't get to do that, but it's ok too:) She is such a nut, that's why I love her so much. She just lives the moment, and I know how much she loves me, and trust me when I say, if I would have asked for her shirt to wave, she would have had it off in a heartbeat, just for me, although I might have had to give her a dollar(sorry it's a me and Debbie joke) Live strong everyone, today is all we have.
Well, dear friend, can't you talk to Kurt about his brother:) The guy is making watching the races pretty boring.
Glad you had so much fun this weekend and got good and spoiled.
I am sending lots and lots of positive vibes your way along with special prayers about the results of your scan. Can you feel the vibes? They're strong ones.
Can't wait for the Kancer Kickin candle. If any of you are around Heyworth in the next few weeks and can bring one by for me - I would love to get lots of outside orders for you.
Get some rest after your big weekend.
Love ya,
Tami: so sorry to hear about your friend. you know that she is looking down on you, watching over you. have you ever heard the song, Holes in the floor of Heaven?" it talks about our loved ones watching over us from heaven. I really do think this is so. hope you got a good nap in yesterday. so good to see you and Norm. tell Norm to not let Dale give him too rough of a time. those two are a pair. have a good day
I'm so glad you had a good time, I was hoping everything would go well. It sounds like your weekend was exceptional. I know nothing about racing - but did check out the Sunday sports page and it made me smile to see your guy Busch won.
That quote you mentioned when you told about Sara was just beautiful, there are so many that are new to me, I just have to tuck them away for use when needed.
I'm sending out every positive vibe I have that your scan is better than good.
I think it is perfectly ok to let me remain the wilted petunia - and you be "as strong as an ox"....like my Mom used to say.
I've always believed in heaven - and think that earth can be sort of "hellish" many times.
Well girlie you have all my positive thoughts and vibes along with my prayers.
You just never fail to amaze me with your attitude and spirit...I just pray that I would be as graceful and wise in the same situation. I learned during my mother's illness that there is a strength in all of us that is surprising, maybe even shocking but so comforting.
I thought about you all weekend and hoped you were having a good time. You are right, your family is the best..what a downright blessing to have folks that love you so much. I know that goes both ways for you and you love them even more.
Ok my fingers, toes and eyes are all crossed. I'll be anxious to hear from you...Brenda
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