I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not gonna be at a nascar race but is gonna be at a local track in Peoria and I am beyond excited so much I can't even think about it! I wanna do a dance like a kid and yell, I'm gonna wave theeee flaggggg, naneeee naneee boo boo.. I'm gonna wave the flag:) My sister Sherry came up with the idea and my sister Debbie called and got the YES. Aren't they the bestest sisters in the world? So, Saturday night I will be waving the flag! I can't wait! But first, I have to take flag waving lessons, because Norm now has me afraid I dont know how to wave the flag. I told him, listen I have been watching the flag waver for many years and they wave it in a circle 8, he says no, that's not the way they do it, so I guess I am going to be googling how to wave the flag. Silly Norm, doesn't he know by now I am infatuated with the flag waver at every race??
On the medical front, I made it through another round of chemo. one more down countless more hopefully to go. Dr Benson was pleasantly surprised that my tumors had shrunk, he said he had only expected for them to be stable, so that was a nice surprise as well. He says for now, we know the chemo is working and we should just stick to it, until we don't see it working and then we will switch strategies. Norm asked them to reread the ct scan, and Dr Benson called tonite to let us know that they also saw tumor shrinkage, we had asked him how many tumors are on my liver and he told us tonite at least 10, but said they are all very small. Hopefully, the chemo will just erase them all. I would love to be able to type on here, cancer, what cancer? Not yet, maybe one of these days though.
As always thanks for your comments, positive vibes and prayers, the prayers are working. I feel better than ever and can only hope it continues to be this easy.
As a side note, I would add a picture of the flag waver from the Chicago nascar race we went to, BUT of the 408 pictures(literally) Norm took at the race, he didn't take one of the flag waver.. he said he felt like that would be rubbing it into my face. I said um you could have superimposed my face onto the flag wavers:) I am sure there will be pictures of saturday night, hope I don't do something silly like drop the flag and cause a wreck or a caution:)
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
hahahahaha!!!!! Don't you DARE drop the flag!!! (that would be kinda funny, though) Just wanted to drop by and let ya know (once again) how proud of and thankful for you we all are. You are a very special, determined woman, and have taught me so much in this past year along! I am so grateful that I got you as a friend instead of a monster-in-law!!!
Love ya girl!
Hi Tami,
I am so glad to hear about the shrinkage! Keep it up lady, you're going to beat that beast yet!
Hi to Norm too (Z says hi as well).
oh my, am so happy about your good news on both fronts. I'm waving a "flaggie" here about the tumor shrinkage too.
Can't stop smiling about the race you will be at this Saturday night, just have to say it again
Go Tami Go...........wave-wave-wave
am already looking forward to many pix of you and that flag.
from Rosemary
:: does a little happy dance ::
Way to go gurrl!
- the lounge queen
Tami: I am so excited for you. leave it to your wonderful family to set this up for you. now we want lots and lots of pictures. I will be waiting anxiously to hear about the race. your sisters might have created a monster here. have lots and lots of fun. it is also wonderful to hear your good news about the tumors shrinking too. Barb
You know I had a feeling and was just sure something would come through with the other race but this one was meant to be. Surely you won't give up the candle gig to become a full time flag girl LOL.
I agree completely ...your family is the best! The tumor shrinkage is huge news and I'm doin the happy dance for you.
Ok I'm kicking the prayers and vibes into high gear for more shrinkage and a great flag waving experience....Brenda
Where is the track in Peoria? Is there a website or details about the Race? It would be so great if I could watch you wave the flag. Can be a celebration of tiny tumors riding off into the sunset :) Glad to see all the prayers and well wishes working for such a beautiful lady!! I love your excitement - Whooooohoooo!!
love ya,
Thanks everyone for your well wishes. I am so excited for saturday! Jackie I came up with a address for the raceway, but am still not exactly sure how to get there myself, surprising I grew up in East Peoria, huh? Th races start at 6 pm..oh and you can just look for the flag stand, I will be the one waving the flag:) I can't wait, would love to see you there, also I am getting your Tami's cancer kickin candle on saturday so will make sure I get it to you soon.
Peoria Speedway
3520 W. Farmington Rd.
Tami - Norm BETTER get a pic of you waving the flag! Your sisters rock! Speaking of rock .... watch out, last time I was at Peoria Speedway I got hit on the head with part of the track - talk about tearing up the road! LOL Wishing you a great evening out - enjoy - you deserve it! So good to see you the other night!
Hey Girl,
Just wanted to let you know I've been thinkin' about you and prayin' for ya today!
Love ya!
hey lady we are all out here waiting anxiously for your blog on the flag waving. where is it at. hope to see a picture of you waving that flag real soon. a not so patient Barb
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