Well, my bucket list is pretty short. I have been pretty fortunate to have a wonderful family and not a lot of regrets or real wants, so my bucket list is pretty darn short, but probably impossible. As some of you know I am the biggest Kurt Busch Racing fan ever. he has been my guy since he started racing. We love going to the races and usually manage to go every year to Chicagoland Speedway for the Nascar race. Every year we wait for hours in line to get Kurts autograph and just a chance to chat with him for a second. It's always been worth the wait. We always have a picture taken of me and Norm together with kurt at his souveneir trailer. It's something I am sure Norm will look back on for many many years. Kurt Busch even though thought by some as nascars bad boy is such a nice guy. He always does appearances and is as nice as can be. We will be going to the race next weekend, Thanks to a anonymous donor of tickets and thanks to my sister Debbie and brother in law Mike who take up their RV to the races every year. I can't wait!
You might be wondering ok, so what does this have to do with my bucket list, right? Well, every year since the first race I went to, where I got the tickets for Norm, but became more of a addicted Nascar fan than Norm, I have watched the guy that waves the flag and thought, I wanna do that! Sounds crazy right? That is one of two things on my bucket list, to wave the flag, I don't even care if it is a yellow flag, green flag, checkered flag, hmmm or I guess a black flag, but every year I watch the flag waver with envy, all I wanna do is wave the flag.
Norm has been working feverishly at emailing everyone he can think of to find a way for me to wave the flag. I doubt it will happen, it's way too crazy, of coarse you know me, I have to find the impossible to go on my to do list:)
I can't wait to go to the races. I am worried about the walking,and if I will be able to do it, but am gonna try my best. We are thinking of renting a wheelchair to get me to the track, as that will help with all the walking. Thankfully, it's a night race so the heat shouldn't be a factor near as much. I won't be able to stand in line for hours waiting for Kurt this year, I already know that, and I will miss chatting with Joey and Karen at his souvenir trailer. They were such nice people that we always got to talk to while we shopped. they retired over this last year so it will be weird not seeing their smiling faces working there, but I am really getting excited about going to the races, and still hoping like crazy that I get to wave the flag, but if I don't I will still look at the guy up there and be jealous when he waves the flag!
I will keep my second bucket list item for another post. on the medical front, the chemo effects are wearing off and I am starting to feel better. The numbness in my hands and feet is getting really bad, with the numbness moving up my legs even further almost to my knees. Thank you all for so many comments on my last post. You all made me smile so big!
I am thankful I have the race next week to keep my mind occupied as I have the CT the Monday after the race. I pray this chemo is working and ask for your prayers as well. Then it will be round 16 of chemo on the following friday, if this chemo is working, I pray if it isn't that there will be another plan. I can't imagine.... ever being told there isn't anything else they can do, just can't even comprehend it.
We had a nice 4th of July, it was quiet but nice. We didn't do the big cookout we usually do, the kids were busy with other plans so we just hung out just the two of us and watched the fireworks from the front step of the house, it was nice, not like usual, but nice. We also made our special rib rub and homemade bbq sauce and that was fun just doing something like old times with Norm. Of coarse we had bbq ribs and they were delicious!
here is a picture of me and Norm a couple years ago with Kurt Busch
Go, #2 at Chicagoland!!!! Never say impossible, my lady. Norm is your superman :) No pressure, Norm :) I'll be watching for you both at Joliet, flag waver or super fan - either way is super good. How about Indy the next week, too.
As always, my prayers are with you and your bucket list too.
Love ya.
Tami I'm sending flag waving vibes your way!!! I can see the headlines now "Hot Granny Waves Flag at Chicagoland Speedway!"
It occurs to me that despite all my good intentions I'm not taking time to smell the flowers..I don't have a bucket list or any idea what to put on it...I am that boring!!! You've given me food for thought..again.
I hope ya'll have a great time at the speedway and as always, I'll be praying that the chemo is working! Brenda
I'm not much of a race fan, but have an awsome time. I just know that we will see your picture in the paper with you waving that flag. Bucket list was an awsome movie. have you seen it, I take it that you have. as always you are in our prayers. Barb
Well, I just have to smile a bit, because I can somehow just see you waving that flag. I'm going to be thinking of you all next week - saying Wave-Tami-Wave !!
Sounds like you had a nice peaceful 4th, I'm thinking your Norm is an angel too. The ribs sound way tooooooooo good.
It is still busy-busy-busy here on the lake, many boats and kids being pulled on tubes, the camp kids get tossed high in the air before flying off......We hear some of the younger kids screaming - No - No-No, and OMG....before sailing off the tube!
One of the nice things about the camp across the lake...at 8AM they do revelry over the loudspeaker, and at 9PM they do taps.....not that that quiets the happy voices and screen door slams. It's just the sounds of summer to me.
Thanx for the pix of you and Norm at the top of your post. I am "duh" about racing, but I think I could easily be called a Tami super-fan.
Go for the wheelchair (plus a cane), and try to make sure you don't look too healthy -- you need to play the sympathy card. Having carted around a few people in wheelchairs, I found it amazing how much faster I could get anything done -- people will let you move to the front of a line if you ask them nicely ("would you mind? she's not feeling so good...god bless!"). Now if you could get a "disabled" sticker on your car for better parking spots, your life would even be easier. :)
You can rent foldable wheelchairs that fit into your trunk of your car, and they will usually do just fine. Most large organizations will also provide wheelchairs for their functions but I wouldn't count on them.
Good luck!
-- the lounge queen
Get the wheelchair - sooo much easier ... no need to wear you out walking - save that for the flag-waving!! With the wheelchair you should be able to hang out and wait for Kurt! Most of all, pace yourself and enjoy!!
Lounge Queen is right on the money...let your fingers do the walking thru the yellow pages and go to "medical supply/rental and get that wheelchair. Sometimes a large pharmacy near you will have these available.
You will have a much easier time this weekend - I am so excited for you going to the races.
You're our winner already.
check with your American Legion there in Clinton. they might have a chair for you to use. and I don't think taht should stop you from waiting to see Kurt either. Just have fun.
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