This is my sweet puppy dog Gizmo or as we called him Gizzie or Mr Mo. It's been a tough day as well as a tough couple of days as we realized we were nearing a very tough decision. Around the clock care for the last 3 days just trying to get him to eat or drink has taken a very emotional tole on me and Norm. This morning, we made the decision not to let Gizzie suffer anymore. I still and probably always will question my decision. We just couldn't let him suffer any longer. At the vets yesterday, he confirmed Gizzie had congestive heart failure and fluid buildup in his lungs and around his heart. We tried the meds our wonderful vet had given us with one last hope that perhaps we would have our baby again. It was not to be and by 1:30 am this morning, I realized not only was the meds not working, it was time to let him rest at last. He couldn't even lay down to sleep, he could only sit and breathe hard, I presume from the fluid buildup. At 8:30 am, I held onto my baby as he was given his shot and he passed looking into my eyes. I wouldn't have it any other way than to be there with him, I only wish I could hold him one more time, look into his beautiful eyes and see him happy just for one more minute. I asked him to light the way when it's my turn to go to heaven. I am so glad that we have a way to not have to let our animals suffer to the end. My poor baby is resting tonite in doggie heaven. For the last two days, he kept staring at the ceiling,while he tried so hard to breathe, as if he knew he was going to heaven and the angels were waiting to carry him home. I miss him so much...........
Bless your heart Tami I am so sorry. I've been through the same thing and I know what a tough decision that is. He sure was a cute little thing and I know you will miss him but you are right....they'll be waiting for us.
I wish I could say something comforting right now but sometimes there just aren't any words...Take care and know that I'm saying a little prayer for you and Norm. Brenda
Tami & Norm, I'm so sorry about little Gizmo, I know it's like there is a huge hole in your heart now, but there is some comfort in knowing he is not struggling anymore to take a breath. It's so hard realizing that being compassionate is also so difficult. You did the right thing, but that doesn't mean your heart isn't broken.....from Rosemary
I'm feeling so bad for you, but not for sweet Gizmo, does that make sense?
My heart is breaking for you. Gizzy is in good company. Linda lost all her puppies, Mom lost her best friend (Taz kitty) and I lost my Karma kitty this year. They are all there to great your baby. I will include him in my prayers.
Love you.
Tami &Norm: so sorry for your loss. it is just like losing one of your children. we've been through it several times. I am grieving right along with you guys. as always you are in my prayers. Barb
Tami and Norm - I know how important Gizmo was to you - they are our kids too. Rest knowing he is breathing freely now and running like a pup (probably looking for a female!) .... that Gizmo, was quite a dog. My sincere condolences - from one dog lover to another.
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