Sorry to keep everyone in suspense for the day. We got the results this morning and we do have some shrinkage in the liver tumors, not as much as we had hoped for but enough to thank God for and enough to be happy that it is definitely good news! The last scan done in the beginning of May showed my biggest tumor in my liver as 5 cm by 5 cm. The new scan shows a decrease in size of my largest tumor to 4.4 cm by 3.8 cm. It still shows multiple tumors, which they never say how many tumors there are just use the words multiple, but do say there is a definite decrease in tumor size. They also noted that I still have calcification in one of my lungs but that has been there since the beginning and they don't believe it is of concern. I am sure it is there because I am a smoker, a girls gotta have a bad habit or two, ya know? They also noted that I still have a tiny cyst in my right kidney which they say is unchanged from previous scans. Everything else is clear, Thank you God! We know when they went in for surgery, they took a tumor off of my bladder and left a tumor on my bladder, but that tumor has never showed up on any CT scan, so not sure on that, we know the tumor they took off my bladder was cancer, there was also a questionable small tumor deep in my pelvis at the time of surgery that they couldn't reach and that also has never shown up on a CT scan, so thankful for that as well. We do know that anything has to be of a certain size, I believe one cm to show up at all. So hoping the bladder and pelvis just went away with the chemo. So, this is great news, it means the chemo is working and that is wonderful. Thank you God.
i continue to wonder what lessons I am being taught throughout this journey, but also realize some of the lessons I have been taught already. Life is full of lessons, ya know? Sometimes we get it and other times, we just don't.
I am thrilled to be able to continue this chemo and know it is working, or maybe it is the sandostatin shots, or a combo, but I will take it. I have been having some urine flow problems off and on so going to ask the Dr about that. This chemo from the little bit I have read is really supposed to do a number on your kidneys and your blood counts so it could just be the chemo, so praying that I can just continue to tolerate the chemo and have many more good days to come in this crazy world with the gift of life we are given.
I have decided I am not going to get bloodwork done before I go up to Chicago, because I think it is a waste and is just too much stress. I have to go to chicago to get my sandostatin shot and they will check my blood anyways, so will deal with it then. Besides I had a real ass for a lab tech at the local hospital last week, and don't want him to get ahold of me again after the way I was treated there, so just gonna wait it out.
Thank you all for your positive vibes and prayers, yes I can feel them, they are working!
Again I say, I really am noone special, anyone would do the same as I have done, you just do what you gotta do to keep on going, and just hope you keep on going. Trust me when say, I am not always strong, there are many days that it just seems so damn unfair, so impossible, and yet the only choice I have is to keep on, keepin on.
I also need to thank Norm big time, I can't imagine his thoughts when he knew he was going to have to be the one to deliver the news to me, as he picked up the reports and scans. I am sure he was as scared as I was. I have always been a worry wart and I thought sure his car was going to be pulling in to deliver bad news to me, I felt bad knowing he might have to deliver bad news to me... the first words out of his mouth when he called were "baby you can relax, it's all good" He is the stong one in this, he keeps me upbeat and finds the rainbow in any situation, and I am so glad I have him in my life.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Wahoo and onward, march! I was thinkin about comin over for a few wednesday afternoon...i will call u tomorrow, now that we are all breathing a sigh of relief, right?
happy to hear some good news, it's nice to get a moral boost every now and then, eh?
Love ya girl!
I'm doing the happy dance here because of your good report.
Thank you for the pix of the rv and all you guys too, say there....that is a honking "big" bus....and it was easy to imagine all the fun that happened aboard.
I just love it when you say "good news" and I can imagine all your friends here (me too)....breathing that collective sigh of Kristi mentioned.
I am sooooo jealous that Kristi can stop by, am turning pea green Kristi....can you please pass on a hug from me when you see Tami....that would be much appreciated.
blowing kisses, sending hugs - and waving flags over here in Maine.
Will do, Rosemary...I'm her daughter in law, btw. And, am always more than happy to have an excuse for a few extra hugs!
Tami: I say diddo with everyone else on this blog. I can't stand up and dance here at my desk right now, you know how open my cubicle is, but yee ha!!! I am so happy!! I love your sister's motor home. I bet it is beautiful inside. Dale and I leave Saturday for a few days at the lake and camping. can't wait. have a great day and now we need a picture of you and Norm doing the happy dance. by the way cool shits that you are wearing in the picture. Barb
hehe - Funny typo cousin :) Anyway great news Tami. I love the pictures on your blog. Kathy
oops, so sorry for the boo-boo on the spelling of shirts on my blog. at least I made Kathy laugh. Barb
Barb - you are too funny, I love a typo like that, made me spill/slurp some coffee. vbg from Rosemary
Wonderful news! So happy for you. Glad to see that your hard fight has positive results. So go shrink those tumors!
-- lounge queen
That news is so much better than wavy a dumb old flag!!!!!! Yippee, hooray, whahoo, etc, etc.
Very happy for you and norm, too. Kristi, if you want an excuse to give more hugs, give one for me, too please.
Love ya,
p.s. note I didn't pick on my sister for leaving out an "r". :)
Good thing I didn't pick on Barb, cuz I can't type so pretty good either :) "waving" not "wavy"
Oh, happy day.
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