Thursday, July 31, 2008

not even sure what to title this

I really need some prayers and positive vibes. My blood counts are way too low. There is some concern that I could have a bleed going on somewhere internally since my hemoglobin has dropped so much in the last two weeks. We will find out tomorrow what they want to do. We haven't seen my blood counts this low throughout this journey and it's just pretty scarey and unfortunately what happens when you have cancer, you just never know what tomorrow will bring. I am hoping that my counts are just low from chemo and as a result of all the stress I have been having this week, as well as not eating like I should have been all week. If you could spare a prayer or positive vibe for this to just fix itself, that would be great. I hope this is just another glitch in the way of chemo.......and not the beginning of something serious, My white blood count is down to 2.7, red blood count at 2.9, platelets are 103, hemoglobin at 9.4, hematocrit is low,it's just all to low. It pisses me off that the Dr's office can't just tell me what needs to be done today. I know patience, but cmon, at least set my mind at ease or something.


Anonymous said...

Prayers and positive vibes are being sent as I type .... you must eat, you have to keep up your strength - yeah, easy for me to say, I don't have cancer. Keep your chin up and know we are all praying for you and a good end to this nasty cancer business.

Live Strong Tami!


Anonymous said...

Hey Tami: Please think positive. I'll put you back on every prayer list here in the Village.. Lots of churches here and I know a lot of people. I really believe in the power of prayer. Bet you'll be able to feel the prayers coming from Arkansas..Love Patti C

Anonymous said...

Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway. ~John Wayne

Love and prayers sent your way.


Anonymous said...

Tami: I know it is hard to eat when you are upset, but please try. keep us posted as to what is going on with the blood count. lots of prayers are out there for you. Barb

Kristi said...

Tami, so far everyone has made my point for me. . .we NEED you to eat, and you do as well, according to your results. I only hold you accountable because I love you, and I would hate for your emotions based on outside circumstances to have the power to effect if and how well you eat. Emotions are unreliable, according to God, so please, love, use your logic and that stubborn "tami" streak, and keep it consistant for us!

That being said, sometimes there is nothing you could have done to prevent these counts, and we are in the crappiest week, so hold your chin up, and eat that catfood and ensure, girlfriend!


"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified or discouraged, for the Lord, YOUR God, is with you wherever you may go!"

~Joshua 1:9

Norm said...


John Wayne would be proud of Tami, I know I am!

(love the quote)


Anonymous said...

When you sneeze, do you start worrying that you have pneumonia? Of course not. You know that chemo comes with low blood counts, the doctors just want to confirm that it's all that is 'cause they have to cover their asses, just in the very pneumonia-rare case that it isn't. So stop worrying unnecessarily.

You've been under a lot of stress lately, especially with the passing of your beloved pet. And when you're under stress your body basically says "I have to focus all my energy on trying to respond to this stress, so I'll pull some resources from digestion, immune system and definitely all the repair work, they could be done later when the stress is gone." So you need to get rid of that stress and get your body to back focusing on repair! Deep relaxation, breathing exercises, ohmmm....

....and maybe some chocolate icecream. That always destresses me. :)

-- the lounge queen

Anonymous said...

Ok Tami I want you to think of the most decadent sweet possible and then have Norm go get it for you. My MIL carried a jar of molasses around with her constantly when she was undergoing chemo per her doctors orders. I wish I was there to cook you a good old pan of country biscuits, lots of melted butter and molasses dripping over the sides. I know it's hard but do your best to eat. Losing your little pup was just not fair and I know how hard it is to force yourself to eat when you are that sad....maybe just a bite or two at a time.

Girlie you know you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers and I'm sending out vibes for an increased blood count and a huge appetite. Norm I'm praying for you too...Brenda