This weekend was amazing! It was so nice to get away without being stuck, cut open or chemo'd. It seems thats the only time I get away and so it was so nice to just get away to have fun. I got to show Norm "my" island and had a lot of fun with both my sisters and brother in law. Oh and I got my bloody mary too... at the Dam Bar. That was the name of the bar, isn't that hilarious? We took a boat ride up to the Dam bar!
I can't get the smile off my face at the name of the bar. It was wonderful to create new memories with everyone and it was nice that cancer pretty much got left at home. My sisters have gotten good at knowing when it's just time for me to get away, and as usual they were right again. It was so nice just to be with them. Last year we went up to the cabin, just the three sisters the first weekend of August and we talked about how blessed we were that all 4 of us kids were alive and healthy and how fortunate we were... little did we know that just 3 weeks later, our worlds would turn upside down with my diagnosis of cancer. I was a little worried it would be bittersweet for me at the cabin, but it never crossed my mind, only the memories we had from last year and how lucky we were to be there to create new memories. I will have Norm update the post later with pictures.
On the medical front, my blood counts are getting low. It seems the chemo is starting to do what I have read it would. I was so worried friday when I called the Dr's office that they were going to tell me I couldn't get away for the weekend, that it was time for lock down, but they gave me the ok. My platelets are down to 118. If they fall below 100, they won't give me chemo, but a transfusion instead so hoping they stay up enough to get chemo. My white blood count is also low, so hoping that goes back up. We live with hand sanitizer controlling our life, stinks, but if it works, it's worth it! My kidney function level is also low, something they also expect with this chemo. I just pray that my levels stay up high enough to get chemo this week. Scans will be coming up in a few weeks so we can see if this chemo is doing it's job. I keep praying for a miracle, but just hearing that the chemo is working will be good enough.
Word to live by for today from my friend Suzanne, thanks Suzanne, funny how things arrive in my life on just the day I need to hear them.
"Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone forever."
~ Samuel Smiles

On the medical front, my blood counts are getting low. It seems the chemo is starting to do what I have read it would. I was so worried friday when I called the Dr's office that they were going to tell me I couldn't get away for the weekend, that it was time for lock down, but they gave me the ok. My platelets are down to 118. If they fall below 100, they won't give me chemo, but a transfusion instead so hoping they stay up enough to get chemo. My white blood count is also low, so hoping that goes back up. We live with hand sanitizer controlling our life, stinks, but if it works, it's worth it! My kidney function level is also low, something they also expect with this chemo. I just pray that my levels stay up high enough to get chemo this week. Scans will be coming up in a few weeks so we can see if this chemo is doing it's job. I keep praying for a miracle, but just hearing that the chemo is working will be good enough.
Word to live by for today from my friend Suzanne, thanks Suzanne, funny how things arrive in my life on just the day I need to hear them.
"Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone forever."
~ Samuel Smiles
sounds like a great weekend. glad that you got that Bloody Mary in also. sounds like the chemo is doing some good too. that is great.
I am so glad you enjoyed yourself, bloody mary included. :)
Hoping you'll get a chance to do another one of these little weekend getaways soon!
-- the loungequeen
It's wonderful to hear that you had such a nice peaceful and fun time. Can't think of any better place to have a bloody mary - than the Dam Bar. lol I love that name too. Didja hear any loons? The pic of your island is gorgeous. Our little pond doesn't have any islands, but we do have a few juvenile loons, I love it when they whoop it up during the night.
Hope you get to do many more lake weekends this summer.
An island, a bloody mary at the Dam Bar, family and fun - what an awesome weekend! You certainly deserved the break.
Keep living strong!
I haven't been on for awhile--just got caught up with your journey. I'm glad you had the get-away weekend with your sisters--and your bloody mary. Keep fighting, sister. Thanks for the pic of your newest grandson---my first is the same age so I'm finding out for the first time the joys of Grandmahood. Sounds like Norm is great. I also liked the background on your meeting Norm.
So glad he was who he said he was over the internet. We keep praying, Tami.
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