This is my island. It is located in Moweaqua Wisconsin. I call it "my" island because I love it. My sister Sherry has a cabin in Moweaqua and this part of the wonderful view from her cabin. I find such peace and tranquility up at the cabin. We are going up to the cabin for the weekend in search of peace and tranquility. it should be a fun weekend with my sisters. Norm has never been to the cabin, but I am sure he will love it as much as I do. I can't wait to show him "my" island. My brother in law Dan is so sweet, everytime they go up, he always sends me pictures of my island. I am also having bloody marys this weekend. The doc cleared me for alcohol, so i decided to wait for my sisters to savor a bloody mary, maybe I will just get slouchy drunk:)
I can't wait to get away this weekend. cancer has been on my mind alot this week, knowing that a scan is coming up soon as well as chemo, wondering if the chemo is working and praying that it is and that is the reason I feel so good, rather than that it's not working and that is the reason I don't feel chemoized. I have been really depressed this week and know it will lift my spirit to get away. My stomach is feeling better, not 100% yet but getting there.
That island sounds like a little piece of paradise.... enjoy it! And your Bloody Mary too. (You might want to make sure your tomato juice is fortified with vitamin c -- makes your body more able to handle the removal of the alcohol, and with your liver being on the 'delicate' side, any little thing helps)
-- the loungequeen
I can't think of any two people that deserve a wonderful weekend "away from it all" more than you and Norm. I know you'll have a wonderful time, don't even have to cross my fingers for that wish.
I hope you hear lots of loons, I think they are so hauntingly beautiful.
Take some pix for the rest of us back here, and enjoy yourself.
And like loungequeen said - vbg...stir that bloody mary with a stalk of celery, find a rocker on the porch and take life easy.
Wow, I am way behind on this blog .. not that I have not had Tami on my mind and in my prayers.
This weekend away to Tami's island sounds like good medicine to me and I am sure Norm will love it too - probably make him think of home. I pray you have a wonderful and happy time - and drink a Bloody Mary for me please!
I cannot imagine the ups and downs in Tami's life and that of her family. Each day is a joy but getting through it can be tough for all when Tami is having a bad day. How do you know how to act? You want the most normal life you can have but yet want to know you love and are loved .... in normal everyday life so much of that is set aside, not because we don't love or care - life just gets in the way. We adjust to it, but how do you adjust when cancer gets in the way of life? It is something learned along the way and I think Tami and her family have learned that and dealt with it quite wonderfully.
I remember when I first met Norm - I heard we had a Canadian and then heard he was from Vancouver .... well this chubby little (yes, those 2 words go together!) butt headed out to find this person. I walked up and asked if he was from Vancouver ... he said yes and I said "Why in the hell would you move from that beautiful place to Central Illinois?" I thought the guy was nuts til he smiled and said "His wife". Later when immigration wanted documentation that this was a "real" marriage, Norm asked me for a letter. I was glad to write it and pointed out that anyone to move from Beautiful BC to Illinois for a woman had to be in love - yes, the marriage is real.
Live strong Tami! We are all in your corner!
enjoy this weekend it is supposed to be a beautiful one. get some time to yourselves and have fun with your sisters. they sound like a blast. come back all rested and tanned. don't forget that bloody mary. maybe a couple. Barb
The island looks awesome. You go up there and get away from everything and enjoy your time with your husband and sisters!!! Take lots of great pictures for all of us that probably won't have that peace this weekend :)
It looks beautiful!!! Have fun....
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