I went in for my blood counts today before we go up tomorrow night. My white blood count fell again from last week to 2.7 . My platelets climbed to a whopping 121 up 3 from last week. Normally with chemo your blood counts drop during days 7-14 and then rise again just in time for chemo, well my white blood count dropped from last weeks 3.4 so.... I am not sure if I will even get chemo this time. At first, the local Dr office said my blood was low but ok for chemo, then Chicago office said ummm no, white blood count is too low for chemo, let's try for next week, then they decided after confering with my Dr that if they don't drop more before Friday when I get my chemo, they could give me chemo. So, I am scared, I don't want them to give me chemo if it is too dangerous but know I need the chemo. My platelets have to above 100 so they are but what happens next time? I need prayers and positive go up white blood counts and platelets. Ugh, I can't stand the thought of having to go back up to get chemo another time. This has been my fear as I have read this happens alot with this chemo. I try to eat lots of protein, even though it's not proven to improve your blood counts, it hasn't failed me until now.
This journey is scarey enough without worrying they will give me chemo and then my white blood count will drop so low I will get a cold and get very very very sick from it. I have felt so good on this chemo, I have read the 3rd treatment is where you see problems like this and here I am. They can give me a neupogen shot but can't give me chemo for two weeks after. The nepogen shot would increase my white blood count. This is so frustrating, but I guess I am just going to to go up, have them check my blood and let them know if it's too low, just give me the neupogen shot to build up my white blood count and I will go back up in two weeks and have chemo. At least it's something they can fix. I just like to have everything go as planned. Just when I thought, I could just blow right thru 10 rounds of this chemo with no problems and feeling great. I have no idea what this will do towards the CT scan I should be having in a few weeks if I cant get chemo, much less the cancer. I imagine I will have to isolate myself again. It hurt so bad when I had to tell my daughter Sherri not to bring the grandkids down tonite as my blood counts are too low to be around anyone... aw cancer rears its ugly head again.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
I am in your "support" corner, will pray like ...there is no tomorrow...that your counts go up-up-UP. Have been thinking lately about something my Mom used to tell me long ago. What didn't make much sense so long ago is so crystal clear now, isn't that always the way?
Worrying today - takes the strength out of tomorrow.
I know, I know - easy to say - hard to do.
Tami: good luck with your blood counts. with prayer, and lots of it things will go smooth I hope. here is a little sign I have hanging in my house. When you go to bed give all of your problems to God, he will be up all night anyway. good luck, always in my prayers. Barb
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