Sunday, November 4, 2007

Who's hungry for cardboard?

The chemo cloud is starting to lift. I can feel my strength taking over. Usually it takes a few more days, but I will take it:) My mind is much stronger this time around. As my mind was saying let's go, my body was going ... not gonna happen, so I ended up listening to my body and resting. The last couple of days everything just tastes like cardboard. It is so hard to eat when nothing tastes or even looks good. I have decided I will never eat steak again. They say your tastes change when you have chemo, and for me steak just tastes like dead cow... ugh!

Lots of people have asked me what chemo side effects are, here are just a few
I have what is called first bite syndrome for several days after chemo, ya know how your lips pucker up when you bite a lemon or pickle? Well the back of my mouth near my jaws does that randomly on the first bite of many things I eat.

Neuropathy gets worse as chemo goes on, but thank god, it does go away. No more drinking anything cold, they say my throat could feel like it is seizing up from the cold. Never ever take anything from the freezer or refrigerator without gloves on! It results in immediate pain and tingling in my fingers. When I walk, I put my hands up, cuz hanging my hands down can cause them to get cold, resulting in tingling.
Turn the water on when I first start to use the restroom so it is warm by the time I need to wash my hands.
I miss a nice ice cold pepsi!

Today has been a "10" on the tear scale, chemo has that effect on me, hopefully it goes away. Norm keeps saying no crying today, poor guy.

1 comment:

Barb said...

please hang in there girl. I know you are a fighter, but I know the frustration that you are feeling. I saw this in my sister all the time. hopefully your doctors can get together soon and talk amongst themselves and then to you.