You know, it should be bad enough that I have cancer. I am fighting my ass off and it seems as though every turn I am headed the wrong direction. I once asked my pastor what I had did that was so wrong in life to get cancer that they say I can not heal. I am a natural born fighter, I may not seem like it sometimes, but inside I am a FIGHTER! I have been thru enough with losing my Mom to Cancer, it's not taking me down, I will be that miracle....
Ok on to the reason I posted what I did above. 3 Weeks ago I had a cat scan at the local hospital, I was delighted with the news that we had shrinkage in the colon, everything else had simply disapeared except for the liver with no shrinkage. I posted about that. Well I think I also posted that my local oncologist says this is definitely neuroendocrine cancer.. the one in a million rare cancer. He also talked about surgery at some point... well
We sent the ct scans back up to Mayo because I value their opinion, we wanted a second read because when we went to Mayo the first time, they found so much more cancer than they did locally. Well, they called today and they said they wanted to call me before thanksgiving to say they are amazed at how much shrinkage I had with 3 treatments. 20-30% in my liver and my colon and 50% in my omentum. They still say there is too much cancer for surgery, but they did say that occasionally they will see tumors disapear. Soooooo.. their results are good and bad, no surgery option YET, but they show shrinkage where the local pathologist showed none, and Mayo shows cancer where the local path. didnt see anything. THIS IS SO DAMNED FRUSTRATING! They also said this is definitely NOT neuroendcrine cancer as I wouldn't have responded as well as I have.
So there ya have it, two Dr's with two different opinions on what kind of cancer this is, and 2 Dr's that have two different opinions of a CT scan. It leaves me feeling so frustrated. I told hubby perhaps we need to change Oncologists, and definitely need to change where we get CT scans. I have to have both Dr's on the same page. I know I am just another patient to them, but hey guess what? I ONLY HAVE ONE ME.
On the positive side, we have shrinkage, looks like more than what we thought. If you are praying for me, thank you and please pray for this cancer to just disapear.
Thanksgiving will be at my house as usual, except the kids will be cooking everything except the stuffing. I am going to be positive and this is going to be a wonderful Thanksgiving. I have ALOT to be thankful for.
Love those kids, they grow up way to fast and ya just never know what life is going to deal you.
Happy Thanksgiving to all:)
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
1 comment:
Tami...Keep your chin up girl! You are tough...and you will get through this. As always you are in my thoughts and prayers. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, you have so much to be thankful for and so much more to look forward too!!! You are a fighter!!!
I will talk to you soon!!!
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