First of all I notice there have been very few comments on my blog, I am sorry it is like a train wreck where you just have to look but can't utter the words. As my pastor said the other day, sometimes people just don't know what to say. For those that still comment thank you, your comments continue to make my day. For those of you that just don't know what to say, just say Hi, It's ok, I wouldn't know what to say either.
I had a dream this morning that I was working at Dixie, busting my butt, stressing out. Damn I miss those days. I miss my candle business so much it brings me to tears. I miss being busy, the hustle and bustle of normal life. When things get crazy in your life, don't dread it welcome it, you never know when it will all be in the past. I wish so badly I was making candles, preparing for candle parties and taking all those candle calls I used to get. I miss finding new scents and I miss my customers. Don't take a second of life for granted, take time to enjoy what you are doing.
These days it's Dr appts, CT scans, sleep, pain and the uncertainty of the future. That's whats on my agenda. Live life while you still have it in front of you, love those kids, hug those grandkids, and kiss that husband, never miss a chance to tell everyone how important they are in your life.
I have a ct scan on tuesday so am nervous about that. What will it show, does it even matter? Will this Dr have a new diagnosis for me? I read last night about someone that was diagnosed with small cell neuroendocrine cancer and when they went to a specialist in carcinoid cancer, they were rediagnosed, the pathologist hadn't stained the slide for carcenoid and they werent sick as they should have been, pretty sad when I am wishing for a "better" kind of cancer. This just plain sucks, there are no words to describe it.
My husband and my kids are starting to realize that it is what it is, in a way I am glad as they need to realize it and in another way i just want to sheild them from it all. I just want cancer to go away, I wish this cancer would run for the hills so I don't feel like I need to.
A few thank you's I need to get in that are long overdue. Nancy, thank you so much for the spa blanket, it is wonderful, and you are so sweet. Jackie, thank you so much for lighting a luminary for me in California at the relay for life there. You are precisious to me. Laurie, Sherri and Sarah thank you for continuing to believe so strongly in Grubbyland Candles by taking on those candle parties. My sisters, Debbie and Sherry, thank you so much for calling me every day, thank you for taking me to Dr appt's and overnite trips. Thanks Debbie for rushing to St Louis just because i needed a bully to get the message across to the Drs. Sherry, thank you for slaving over the hot wax pot to continue my dream in Grubbyland Candles. Thank you Norm for every day you help me to live, I'm sorry I made you make all of this real in your mind, but I had to, it's just not fair for you to endure this alone, I love you all forever.
Please pray for me to be able to continue to put my faith in God, I know he has a plan for me, I have to continue to trust him and know he will carry me through all of this and if in the end I am too sick, he will take me to heaven,
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Hi Tami...
I am sorry, I would be one of those people that used to comment all the time, and just haven't for a while...not because I wasn't sure what to say...but more because I read your updates and think that I will comment later and never get to it. I am so sorry, you are still in my thoughts and prayers EVERYDAY!!! I know that it probably doesn't seem like it sometimes, but I have faith that you ARE going to beat this.
And just so you know...I am still a 100% Grubbyland lover...and always will be. I love what you have done...and I told Sara at the last party I saw her at...I can't wait till your mom is back at this. I love it that she is doing it...but we all can't wait until you are back!!!
Be will get through this!!! I miss you!!!
Much love girlie!!
Tami; first of all I am so sorry that I won't be at work Tuesday, but there is a really nice lady there in my place named Peggy. she will take good care of you. will be gone until Tuesday evening. will miss your blogs. hang in there girl, you know we are all behind you in this. Barb
Hey Girlie,
This is my first time posting to your blog and I will not be familar to anyone but you since I know you in the candle world beginning in the days when we were both newbies. That's a long time.
I read your blog regularly, eager for updates from you and you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. You and Norm have done an outstanding job of sharing this whole experience with us. I'm sure you are an inspiration to others just starting this journey.
I'm encouraged by the fact that you aren't following the norm for your most recent diagnosis and am hopeful for your next visit. You shouldn't have responded to the chemo but you did! You and your family have fought such a good fight and accomplished so much...take a deep breath and keep going.
Glad to hear you're enjoying comments -- sometimes I just read your blog and don't comment, but now I will make sure that I leave a message for you every time I get here! Take care of yourself, always wishing you the best, the LoungeQueen.
I am so guilty for not posting lately .... I haven't been online as much and too pooped after 2 jobs to do much more than sleep - my troubles are so small compared to what Tami is going through. Even though I don't get online as much I think about Tami and pray daily. And talk about missing your candles - well, don't get me started! I will be contacting Sherry very soon but will miss dealing with Tami - had some fun parties along with Kristie and DICKSTICKERS!!
:) Hang in there babe!
that's WICKDIPPERS, nancy! hahaha!
Seriously, Tami,
Wanted to thank you for having us over tonight, it was so refreshing to see you and spend time w/ you and Norm. You would never imagine how much it improved Kenny's mood! He is the epitomy of a mama's boy, in the truest sense of the word, and it was very good for all of us, especially him to see you.
I know you've shared w/ me that it's hard to feel needed sometimes, but know that you are, kenny as well as the rest of us were in serious need of some face time, and it was great to get it!
Love you!
Kristi and the fam.
or was it Dick Whippers?
Well said.
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