Tami is back at home as of last night, all scanned up and waiting for results. Seems like is whole ordeal has been waiting on the next set of results. I know Tami went into what she was having a few post back, the octreoscan will show how many neuroendocrine tumors she has and if they have the "receptors" that will accept another time of Chemo that specifically targets neuroendocrine type tumors. You can find out more about this scan here.
Tami still seems to be doing well after the Chemo, the previous side effects seem to be creeping back, but for the most part she is doing well, all things considered. We should find out results on Friday of the scan, I am not sure how the results will be spelled out and if we will need a doctor to translate them, but we should know what she has going on, or at least a better understanding.
I'm just glad she is home, I know she has fun with her sisters, but I need her back at home, I need to be instructed what to do next, with no one at home I often get stuck in the corner and don't know how to get out :)
Will post again Friday after we hear some more on what this scan shows.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Norm you are doing a wonderful job with the blog and I do appreciate you keeping us updated. I've had Tami on my mind so much lately and am always glad to read a new post from you.
Tami you hang in there girlie. You've done such a great job so far and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this new chemo is knocking out cancer cells right and left. Brenda
Tami and Norm,
It was great to spend time w/ you guys tonight, although I wasn't there for most of it ;). Tami, I just wanted a chance to thank you for the approach you took w/ the kids about your probable hair loss and wigs and hats. I really try to be honest w/ them, and I think that was the absolute best way to handle it, and I love you for the way that you care for and about my monkies!
We love you both,
Kristi and the fam.
Thank you for the directions to your blog. I think of you so often - that it will be nice to be able to stay in touch with the updates.
I know it is so easy for another person like me to say - stay strong, but I do mean it with all my heart.
Just yesterday after I got your message - I was thumbing thru a sorta dumb "stitchery catalog" and began to think of you again when I saw this description of a bracelet that says....
What Cancer Cannot Do....
It cannot invade the soul, suppress memories, kill friendship, destroy peace, conquer the spirit, shatter hope, cripple love, corrode faith, steal eternal life, or silence courage.
that bracelet that someone described on your blog sounds really cool. I know how very hard it can be to wait for results. please hang in there and we all hope for the good news to come soon. it is way past time for you to get some good news. Barb
Tami and Norm--
Thank you for the journey you are taking---I work with Sarah at the daycare. I lost a mom to cancer when I was in college so I am most interested and sympathetic to what you all are going through. I am a 52 year old grandma so, Tami, I cannot even know what you must be feeling---I know what it was like to lose a mom to the dreaded disease, but hopefully you can beat it. Sarah always says that you are the strongest woman she has ever known.
We have been praying for you for months--I think Sarah finally gave me this blog because I keep asking how you are doing. I was reluctant to respond because I don't know you (although I feel like I somewhat do now). Sarah told me to please respond because you could use all the encouragement you can get.. I agree. Sarah is very special. I went in for a hysterectomy in March (pre-cancerous cells on the uterus), and she sent to me an angel---that means so much. She must get her generous, caring spirit from you. I'm not able to make the engagement party---my step-daughter has a concert on Sunday---their choir has a concert for the parents---the group is going on a cruise the first of June. I was hoping to go and meet you. I admire your moxy. Norm sounds like a great, caring guy. Tami, I want you to beat this.. you are the strong woman that Norm and Sarah always say that you are.
Please do not give up. You are a fighter. I know you hurt..I know you feel weak. We are praying for you. I love Sarah and I feel that I know you a little---your candles are great!!!! I have several of them --I know that broke your heart to have to give up your business.
I'd better close now--
Keep your chin up,kiddo
I'll talk to you later.
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