So Tami asked me to continue her Blog for awhile, she has started the newest Chemo and is feeling kinda crappy with it all. We decided to go up Thursday night and stay the night Friday after Chemo. Me, Tami and Sarah went up. Thursday night, we got up there, got settled into our hotel and decided to go out to eat. Tami's sister Debbie suggested PF Chang's, a Chinese food restaurant, and it did not disappoint, it was very good food, and reasonably priced as well.
The next day we walked over to Northwestern, it is a very nice facility, with very nice people. So far I have been nothing but impressed with Dr. Benson and his staff, and that for me is saying allot, because at this point I cant really stand doctors at all. The treatment rooms are private, and had a bed instead of a chair, now its not me going thru this, but I am pretty sure the bed is more comfy than sitting during chemo. The day one chemo took only a few hours, and went very smooth. Tami even decided to walk back to the hotel afterwards, I am so proud of how strong she has been through all this, even though she doesn't always see it, she really has been very strong.
Friday night she felt a little under the weather, of course to be expected, I am glad we decided to stay the night and not push things driving home that night. Me and Sarah went out and grabbed some food from California Kitchen Pizza and brought her back some. We left out Saturday morning about 8:30, Tami started Day 2 of chemo in the truck by taking the first of 6 rather large pills as we drove home, she has 6 pills to take on day 2 and sic on day 3. On Saturday she took one an hour till they were gone, and on Sunday 1 every half hour. All and all it went ok, she feels run down and tired, and off and on nausea.
Last night (Sunday) I took Tami up to stay with her sister Deb, she is going to have a scan done that has to be done over 3 days. Today she gets injected in the morning, and then a 1.5 hour scan. Then tomorrow and Wed she gets a 2 hour scan. This scan is to determine if the cancer she has, has the receptors to make another chemo drug effective. Something that should have been done a long time ago, including by Mayo, but I am sure Tami has mentioned this, so I wont beat that horse anymore.
As a side note, I want to add a little story, I was gonna call Sarah and tell her about this but I chickened out, thought she would get a kick out of it as she had a similar thing happen a short time ago. Saturday, I had a bad moment, and I went and sat out on the deck, I am not a very religious person, I believe in something, but I am not sure what that something is all the time. I say a prayer every night, but I dont always get the feeling anyone is listening. So as I sat on the deck I was staring up into the sky and I thought to myself "why cant I just get a sign, why do others get signs and I never get anything, why cant someone just point me in the right direction sometimes" I guess I expected the clouds to reform into my answer, of course they didnt. I went back in the house. Now last night, on the way home from Deb's I drove past this church, now most of the time you see those signs sitting out front and they have these stupid little goofy sayings that are meant to catch your eye, or whatever. Last night I drove by this church and all it said was "Lean on me". Now this sort of socked me in the gut. This has been something that has caused me some issues in the past week or so, and really since all this happened with Tami, not knowing if and who to lean on for support, not wanting to burden anyone with anything I was struggling with. So here I am driving past this church and there is an answer as simple as three little words on the front lawn of some church. So either I share this and everyone thinks I am crazy or full of it, or I get to be part of a small club that if not got their first sign, at least saw it for the first time. Maybe it was nothing, sure felt like something, and every other church I looked at after that had just some stupid little saying on it.
Anyways, for the next little while you poor people are stuck with me updating again, least till Tami feels like typing some more, I will try and not spend alot of time talking about myself though :).
Keep the responses coming, Tami loves hearing everything that everyone has to say. Oh, and dont be shy, put a name at the end of your response so we know who is responding!
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Norm: you are so good at this blog. and talking about yourself sometimes is fine. you certainly need some support too. That is a really cool story. personally I love reading the signs on the churches. please tell Tammy that I am thinking of her all the time. tell her to hang in there, and always be the strong lady that she is. Barb
In conversations with Tami, she has praised Norm. It was evident he has been her rock. I believe Norm's attitude has helped Tami deal with all the ups, downs and crap of this horrible disease. I often wondered how Norm was fairing - with so much going on with Tami .. how could he or anyone in the family even think about themselves knowing what Tami is going through and I know Norm's work is quite stressful right now too. I think God or some higher power did send Norm that message so he knows he is not alone.
Tami is in my prayers and so is her family .. even Norm! :)
Know that Tami will be on my mind and in my prayers while I away. I am not sure how much I will be online to check the blog so tell Tami to hang in there!
I guess I should explain ... I work with Norm and presently he is my boss!
Lord - give ME a sign!
So glad to hear from you, it's nice to get some perspective from your side of the fence for a change. We all wanna know what happens in your head, too!
I believe in signs, and I believe in God. One God, and The God. Sometimes it takes a tragedy to find Him, but please know that he wants to be around for the long haul. If you have questions, ASK THEM. Ask me, greg, whoever, we are here for you weather it is spiritually or otherwise.
Please stay open w/ us! If you need an ear, I can listen almost as well as I can babble, believe it or not!
Let Tami know we are praying and thinking about her. Know that goes the same for you as well!
Love you both!
Kristi (and the fam)
Tami - I think of you and pray for you everyday. I wish you could be healed right now....we all do. I'm so glad you could come to Korban's birthday Saturday night. I know you are tired of fighting and weak from the drugs. I don't know what God's reasons or plans are in all of this....none of us do. I do know that on days when your resting and home alone - write things to your loved ones or record things on a digital voice recorder. NONE of us know the hour or the day when the Lord will take us Home. You may have years left on this Earth (and I pray that is so) but leaving messages and recordings will be very precious to those who know and love you.
"Cast all your care on Him because He cares for you"
The undeniably greatest advantage of believing in god is that you never have to feel like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders alone. So yeah, lean on god -- with the burden you're carrying you can use all the help you can get.
Thanks for keeping us up to date. Wishing all the best to Tami.
-- the lounge queen
I know you were pooped, tami, but just wanted to thank you for stopping by for quick hello's earlier, it made our night! call me anytime after 8 so we can get tomorrow figured out!
Love ya!
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