That's right, I won the cancer lottery, it's official I have a very vry rare cancer that effects 1 in a million people. It is called small cell neuroendocrine cancer with unknown primary which means they don't know where it started, it is not colon cancer as we had thought. This is the best news I could hope for for my kids as this shouldn't pass on to them. I dont want to see anyone else in my shoes, cuz this sucks so bad. What's the saying you can't plam life, it just happens? I am going to chicago tonite to start the nasty chemo tomorrow morning. Then next week I will have what is called a octeroscan that only shows neuroendocrine tumors so will know the extent that I am covered in tumors, we do know that my liver is indeed filed with tumors and I can tell by the pain that I am having now. I am also having horrible tailbone pain every day, so I imagine it is also cancer. All I can do now is continue to fight, continue to put my life into God's hands and continue to be glad that I have a loving family to help me through this battle and wonderful people out there that care and also pray for me. I know someday, somehow, somewhere I will beat this cancer.
I may turn the blogging over to Norm as this new chemo starts, at least that way he can keep everyone updated.
I pray to God noone ever goes through this.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Tami: you have been such a fighter, and I have never known you to be a quitter. keep on fighting girl. I know that is easier said than done, but I have so much faith in you. prayers and hugs .Barb
Praying for you and missing you while you are gone. We love you so very much and can't wait until you are back here with us.
love, hugs, and kisses,
Kenny, Kristi, Gracie, and Booga
I can't help but wonder about Norm being a wick dipper and/or dick whipper... had a great laugh at your story. :)
Chemo is tough, but by the sounds of it, you're tougher. Just take it one day at a time.
Wishing you all the best,
the loungequeen
Keeping fighting!! Sending you extra prayers to get thru this next round!
Tami keep fighting the good fight and we will keep the prayers coming your way. You've accomplished so much more than most with this fight. Most folks would have never even learned what they were dealing with but you and your family have done an outstanding job of leaving no stone unturned.
I'm glad that you will not have to worry about your children as far as passing this along and I'm so thankful for you that you are blessed with such a wonderful, supportive family.
Norm did a wonderful job on the blog before and we will look forward to hearing from him as your chemo progresses. I just know this chemo is going to kick some cancer booty. Brenda
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