As most of you know candles are my life and profession. Most of the business is in home candle parties. Well you just never know what kind of crowd you are going to walk in to and this particular day the crowd was a tough one, very quiet and reserved group of middle to older age ladys. Kristi was doing the presentation but I was along to do the running. Well as she picked up the wick dipper to explain what it was and how to use it, she said this is a dick whipper, complete blunder of words on her part. She turned bright red and we both knew not to even look at each other or we would bust out laughing, the group of ladies never even blinked. I am sure many of them caught what she said but Kristi just carried on. As soon as we were out the door, we were both laughing hysterically at her blunder!
So we went to get the results from the ct scan today. There is progress in the liver, the largest tumor is now 5 by 5 cm. It was 4 cm before. They do show multiple tumors in my liver. they do not show anything anywhere else so that is good news and best of all, He agreed that this doesn't look like small cell neuroendocrine cancer, as that cancer we would have seen major progression, soooooo we are putting a lot of eggs in Dr Bensons basket on friday hoping he has the answer. Dr Migas also said this is probably the worst chemo they give at his office, so I am very scared, but ready to get it done. It scares me ALOT that I could lose my hearing... well alot, alot alot. So the results are both good and bad. I didn't expect to walk in to a miracle of no cancer anywhere, but I wasn't prepared for multiple lesions on my liver. I have read that some of this could be inflamation from where they used radio frequency ablation on my liver, so that is a bit of relief. I am ok with this, it is what it is, and I can only continue to move forward, Please keep us in your prayers and thank you for all the prayers.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
well, I guess we will take the good news with the bad. hopefully Dr. Benson will have some good ideas for you. need to know something though? was the dick whipper story about Kristi with one of my familie's parties? I know I have slipped before when my toungue got twisted on this phrase. the best of luck to you with this new Doctor. Barb
No Barb, if it was your family, I'm sure one of you would have cracked up...probably Jackie! Tami, we are prayin' like crazy! Call me when you are up in the morning, we had an interesting night. Just though you would like to know about your youngest prayer warrior, though. Since the day you went in in August, McKayla has never skipped a day praying for you that you feel good, and has been adding that she wants to spend time with nana more...Children are so sweet and faithful, and know that you have not only people from all over praying for you, but all ages as well!
Love you Forever!
I hope the dick whipper made you smile!
Cancer SUCKS! Keep believing Tami - our prayers are with you.
Tami thanks for sharing the dick whipper story. I've laughed out loud here all by myself a few times just reading about it. I can tell you this, I will never look at another wick dipper the same again ;)!!!
It sounds like the good outweighed the bad today...the best being that it sounds like you do have a different kind of cancer. Now we are all gonna pray that this booty kicking chemo kills all the cancer left and leaves your hearing in tact. Brenda
Happy Mother's Day! We will talk to you soon!
The Kenny Holts
I thought about you all day Saturday. Jackie and I went to the race for the cure. you can't believe all of the survivors in the race. such brave people they are. I have a lot of respect for people like this including you who have the courage to face this terrible monster of a disease day in and day out. you are my hero. Barb
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