I thought it was time for a post from me. I have a hard time typing with the numbness in my hands so it takes forever to retype all the words but here goes.
We got even more news, from the octeroscan, it shows positive for the receptor that shows octerotide will work along with my other chemo so they will be adding that in next time. I have heard some horror stories about insurance not wanting to cover it, so hopefully that will not come to be, our insurance has been wonderful so far, praying it continues. So one more drug to kill off this cancer is a good thing. Not sure of side effects, etc on that yet
This chemo round has been much better than I had been expecting. When I feel bad I feel horrible, but that is only about 5% of the time, the other times I am wonderful. Have even been doing some household tasks and making my way out to supervise the pool boy Norm.
In many ways, maybe because I feel better, I am trying to live with cancer instead of die with cancer. What I mean is I am actually trying to live again, it feels good to the soul, heart and mind, It may take me one day but not today, today I choose life. I even got through memorial day without crying. Thats a first holiday with no tears from me.
We will head back to chicago next friday june 6 for second round of chemo with new addition chemo, so hoping it will go well.
Live strong everyone, we only have today, yesterday doesn't matter and tomorrow may never come so live strong for today.
Thank you all for your comments and offers to help. From a few posts ago, yes Sarah is an angel. I can't begin to tell you how proud I am of her as I am all of my kids.
Ok, hands are giving out on me, sorry for the abbreviated words, but it's all I can handle for now,
Pray for this chemo to do it's job and kill off this cancer and also to keep my mind strong, and my families minds stong during this time. My family needs the prayers as much as I do, this is so tough on them. I love them so very much
Psychic Kids
15 years ago