once again I have went way too long without updating. Everything seems to be so much and I just can't figure out which parts to write about.
My incision has opened up a bout 4 inches out of the 12 inches it is so last night was a trip to the ER to have it looked at. Funny part was even though we went to a different hospital, I thought Norm was going to crap his pants when in walked the Dr i had saw in the other hospital er when this all began 7 months ago! They gave me some antibiotics and sent me on my way.
I continue to have babysitters around the clock. Wonderful babysitters I might add. My daughter Sherri has been here every day this week and my daughter in law Kristi has been coming over in the afternoons and even KJ came over to help take care of me. I feel like my strength is returning and I am going to get there finally! God is good. Sherri amazes me with her strength in taking care of me, I am so proud of her and the lessons she learned, she is a amazing daughter and I love her so very much.
I am not sure if I mentioned but the Dr's have comfirmed this is the very rare small cell neuroendocrine cancer, which was not supposed to shrink with the chemos I was on,well we know that it did shrink so this can only be a miracle from God. I can only imagine when they get me on the right chemo how much ass kicking it will do to this remaining cancer. The incision has to be healed in order to go back to chemo, so I imagine it will be a few weeks yet.
I go back to St louis next week for rechecks with both surgeons and a oncologist there so should be quite enlightening.
I can't forget to tell you about the package of gourmet food that showed up on my doorstep thanks to my wonderful brother and sister in law phyllis. I am so glad I have both of them, they always seem to know my needs without me even saying them. If I have food ready to throw in the microwave I will eat, but it is just to tough to do food prep and once again they have delighted me with meals I can just microwave and eat. My weight has dropped down to 115 so I have to pack on some pounds to get strong before chemo and these meals will surely help me to do that.
I am getting stronger day by day. Life is good and I am thankful for this day.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
"We know that we live in God and he lives in us, because he gave us his Spirit. We have seen and can testify that the Father sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God has god living inside, and that person lives in God. And so we know the love that God has for us, and we trust in that love. God is love. Those who live in love live in God and God lives in them. This is how love is made perfect in us: that we can be without fear on the day God judges us, because in this world we are like Him. Where God's love is, there is NO FEAR, because God's perfect love drives out fear. It is punishment that makes a person fear, so love is not made perfect in the person who fears.
1 John 4:13-18
Read this this morning, and wanted to pass it along...God is good...ALL the time!
This is the day that the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!
Love ya sister!
Hi, Tami. I hope each day for you gets better and better. I think of you each and every day.
Love ya.
glad to hear that each day you are getting better. we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Dale and Barb
Tami -
Praying for you daily and that God will give you peace and you'll find the blessings in both the good and the bad.
Eat well, get out in the sunshine as often as you can and nourish you soul daily with Gods word
Sorry - I meant to sign that last one....I pressed send too fast.
Kiss and hug those grandkids - that truly nourishes the spirit.
Well put, mom! Tami know that we are on your side! Know how much we love you, and know that there is no limit on the list of things we will do for you. You are in our hearts and prayers constantly!
Love you tons,
Kristi and family
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